You may remember at the end of March the school had its SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) Inspection. The inspection looked into the school’s Christian character and RE. We are delighted to announce that the inspection found West Malling to be an OUTSTANDING Church school.
The key findings of the report are:
The distinctiveness and effectiveness of West Malling as a Church of England school is outstanding
Christian values are embedded into the life of the school.
Shaped by Christian values, pupils can grow in confidence and character.
The school is an inclusive school in which all are aware of their innate value and worth. Guided by these Christian values, school leaders have substantially improved achievement and attendance of pupils so that most achieve at or above national standards
Collective worship is an integral part of the life of school.
The incumbent (Reverend Green) provides invaluable Christian insights to support the work of the school.
The whole team are delighted with the result. For all teachers, governors, parents and students this report reflects what we know, that West Malling is a very special school where individuals thrive because of the care and family feel that we nurture so carefully.