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West Malling CE Primary School

– and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

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Year 6 Ash

Term 3

Well done to our home learning stars!

In Science this week we tried to answer the enquiry question ‘does the number of cells affect the brightness of a bulb?’

In Netball this week we worked on our passing skills and marking skills.

On Monday as part of our zones of regulation work we produced a large scale drawing of the different characters. The children had to work in groups to put the characters together. We also made our own regulation toolkit to keep in our trays and to refer to.

In science we made simple circuits and then drew diagrams of our circuits using the correct symbols for each component

In our reading session today we looked at different areas that are involved in politics including housing, war and healthcare. We then came up with questions that we could ask to start a debate. For example, ‘should everyone have access to free healthcare?’

In maths we started our work on ratio. We compared the ratio of different sweets found inside Haribo packets!

In English we were thinking about arguing with reason. The boys came up with rules that would favour them over the girls. The girls responded by creating a banner with the headline ‘FIGHTING FOR FAIRNESS’

During our reading session today we looked for different words in the dictionary

Welcome back to Term 3! 

Please make sure that you are checking the Term 3 page above for any documents/letters that will be sent home this term. 


PE will remain on a Monday (all of Year 6) and Friday (ASH ONLY).


Home Learning - This will be sent out as usual and additional Maths task will accompany the Home Learning each week.


Please make a note in your diary for our next fundraising event on Friday 21st March 6:30pm in the School Hall – more details to follow but this time the whole class can pay to attend as well as family and friends


Term 2

A huge well done to our Home Learning Stars! These children produced wonderful presentations/videos and a brilliant bauble!

Our wonderful hampers are ready to be raffled! If you or family members would like to buy tickets please send in your money in a sealed envelope and we will do the rest! £1 per strip!

In English we have been writing a persuasive speech about the positive impact the Windrush Generation had on Britain

In DT this term we made Christmas ornaments. We started by pinning our pattern onto the fabric and cutting around it. There was a lot of trial and error over the 2 days but everyone produced a wonderful final piece.

Year 6 have been researching the Windrush Generation after reading the book ‘Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah. The children will be writing a persuasive speech about the positive impact the Windrush Generation had on British culture.

In Geography we used four figure grid references to find different parts of São Paulo.

In science we researched different animals and plants and looked at how they have adapted to their environments. We are then going to use the information to create a double page spread!

Well done to this weeks home learning stars!

In RE today we looked at different things Jesus said at the sermon on the mount and categorised them into different categories that would help Christians today

In Geography we were comparing megacities in South America

In handball we practised our defending skills

In English we wrote diary entries from the perspective of the main character in the book. We tried to incorporate dashes in our writing to extend our sentences.

Home learning stars for researching a country in North or South America!

Our handball lesson on Monday! Lots of new skills mastered!

Our first home learning stars on Term 2. Beautiful work, lots of imagination and time taken, well done!

In English we looked at different parts of the story so far and plotted different abstract nouns on the emotions graph. We then used this to help us write a diary entry in first person.

The theme of this week has been “choose respect” based on the work we’ve been doing for anti-bullying week. Today the children worked in groups and did role play for different scenarios and then wrote their own pledge to show how they would “choose respect” this week.

In English we have been looking at the poem Windrush Child by John Agard. The children read through the poem and decided which parts to read in different ways. They then, in pairs, performed the poem to the class.

In RE we looked at Genesis 1 and the Big Bang Theory. We compared the two and came up with conflicting views.

On Monday we had another Handball session, the children learnt about different tactical passes to use in a match.

Tuesday 5/11/24 - Today we recalled all we had learnt from our Norse culture unit so far by answering the question ‘How were the Norse connected to other people and other lands?’ The children considered different points such as trade, warfare, settlements and culture. They worked in groups to collate ideas and then responded to the big question independently.

Tuesday 5/11/24 In English today we started to read our new book, Windrush Child, we ordered the events in the book alongside the events in history at that time.

Monday 4/11/24 - In PE today we began our new unit of work on Handball. A sport that was new to many of the children.

Monday 4/11/24 - This morning in our reading session we were identifying adverbs in context. Whilst one partner read the other made notes of any adverbs ending in -ly they heard. The children then swapped roles.

Term 2 - Welcome back and diary dates!

Welcome back to school...please see below...


PE days remain the same this term (Monday and Friday). Please ensure that your child is in PE kit on the correct days. 


Year 6 will have a stall at the Christmas Fayre on the 23rd November (please send in any outstanding permission slips ASAP)


We will be having our Christmas Service on the 18th December at St Mary's, 9:15am.

Windrush Child

In Term 2 we will be looking at the book Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah in our English lessons. If you'd like to do some extra learning over half term it might be nice to visit this free exhibit at Chatham Dockyard running until the 3rd November - MACA Exhibition Windrush: A Time to Remember

Term 1

⭐️Well done to our home learning stars! ⭐️

We wrote persuasive adverts for the New World

Ash class shared a story with their buddy on Wednesday this week!

Year 6 tested out their Play Leader skills today with Lime Class!

Additional Maths Home Learning 18/11/24
As I mentioned at parents’ evening, the children have now been sent home a maths pack. All the questions are based on addition and subtraction. The children have been asked to complete questions 1-10 only this week. The packs are due back into school on Wednesday 23rd October. We will then go through the questions and the following 10 questions will be set. Thank you for your support. 

Well done to our Home Learning stars! 🌟

Today we took part in a virtual training session hosted by the KSS Air Ambulance. The training was incredibly informative and our children are now trained as ‘Little Lifesavers’

In English we coached each other to improve our writing, we then wrote out our sentences, cut them up and re-ordered them to up-level our writing.

In PE this week the children were practising different games that they could play at lunchtimes when they are qualified Play Leaders!

Well done to this week’s Home Learning Stars! Each week it is getting harder to decide as the quality of work produced by the children has been fantastic!

PE - this week in cricket we played some fast paced games!

Hello Yellow 💛

💛 We have been wearing yellow today to raise money for the charity Young Minds. If you’d like to donate please click here 💛

As part of our mental health week at school, today, year 6 had a virtual assembly with Kooth. Please take a look at the link below to find out about Kooth and the free services they offer young people

In science this week we investigated the plants that can be found in the surrounding areas. We then classified them using our classification key,

Our leadership skills training continued this week with the children considering how equipment can impact the games they organise

Well done to our home learning stars!

In maths we have been using arrays to prove whether a number is a prime number or a composite number

In science we classified plants using the Dichotomous Key. We then discovered the shared characteristics.

In history we imagined what it would’ve been like on a Norse Longship. We sat in position and on command shouted “HEAVE!”

We did more paired reading today. Looking at figurative devices used by the author such as alliteration, similes, personification and rhetorical questions

In English today we used sticky notes to build sentences. We considered the use of adverbial phrases and similes to expand a single clause sentence.

Today we joined our buddies for their explorers time!

Today we had our next leadership skills session for our Play Leader training

In our cricket session on Friday we practised our bowling, batting and fielding skills. A really good session despite the weather!

As part of our Are You Smarter Than a 10-Year-Old? event we will be holding a raffle too to raise extra funds for the class trip and for our yet to be chosen charity, where the children will be donating a proportion of the money they raise to.


Thank you to those who have already sent in raffle prizes. If you have any unopened gift sets, boxes of chocolates, wine, candles, diffusers or anything similar please send them into school.


Thank you for your ongoing support,

Miss Walker and the Ash Class Team

Reading - In our reading session we started looking at our new book 'Fly Me Home'. We looked at the front cover and blurb and tried to infer what we did and didn't know about the story. We considered what the potential plot might be about and came up with our safest prediction and wildest prediction. 


In this weeks first PE session the children carried on developing their leadership skills. This time they focussed on how to get a groups attention by using different techniques. In a few weeks time the children will be qualified Play Leaders!


On Monday we will be selling tickets for our first fundraising event ‘Are you smarter than a 10-year-old?’ quiz night. The premise of the quiz night is that all questions will be based on the current national curriculum and are based on all the things you need to know by the time you are 10 years old!


The event will take place on the 11th October at 6pm in the school hall.

The maximum players per team is 8. Children and adults welcome. £5 per player.

Please book your table with us tomorrow on the playground to ensure your team have a place! Alternatively, please email me on and send your ticket money into school in a named envelope.


Many thanks for all your support,


Miss Walker and the Ash Class Team

We have all arrived and settled in. A great time was had by all on the low adventure course!

Ash class sorted adjectives into a zones of relevance grid to ascertain which adjectives to select in their piece of writing.

Home Learning - Please be aware that there will be no home learning set this week or next due to our residential trip. The first piece of Home Learning will be issued on the 25th September. The reading and maths records are available to update in the back of the Home Learning book that your child took home today (11.9.24).

Today the class had their first leadership skills PE lesson, this is part of the PE curriculum and by the end of the 8 week unit the children will be qualified as ‘Play Leaders’.

Hoodies - all information regarding hoodies has been sent home with your child today.  The hoodies are now available to purchase via the Arbor Parent Shop. Thank you 

English - today we used thesaurus’ to up-level our language!

Science - this term Ash Class are learning about ‘Living Things and Their Habitat’s’. In their lesson yesterday they learnt about the work of Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish biologist who created a system for classifying plants and animals. The children had a go at classifying different animals using classification charts.

Ash class worked hard yesterday in their first Place Value Maths lesson! They were using 6 digit numbers and a practical approach to find as many different combinations of the numbers to create new ones. There were certain rules that had to be followed and they used there year 5 place value knowledge to help them.

PE - Monday and Friday for Term 1

Welcome back to school and to Year 6! 

We have got so many exciting things planned for your final year of primary school and we can't wait to get started. This is the year for you to really let your light shine and leave your positive Ash Class Legacy behind when we say goodbye in July. I am really excited to teach you all again and to see how much you have grown and matured since Year 3. 

See you tomorrow, 

Miss Walker smiley
