Every group has produced fantastic work for their end of term project. Well done, everyone !
Please have a look at the ideas that each group came up with.
Fletcher, Leo, Toby, Rhys, Brooke and Emily decided that they were going to organise a Mud Run to raise money for the RSPCA.
Freddie, Jack, Riley, Taylor and Ruby decided to raise money for Great Ormond Street by organising a Family Fun Run.
Alex, Henry, Phoebe, Lola, Ati and Alice decided to raise money for the Heart of Kent Hospice by organising a Triple Challenge Week.
Lewis, Olwyn, Noah, Carys, and Ivy decided to raise money for 21 Together by organising a football match.
Daisy, Evan, Luca, Sam and Ollie decided to raise money for Heart of Kent Hospice by organising a fun assault course event.