Hello, hello, hello!
Welcome back to term 4! You are over half way through your time as year 4 now, can you believe it?! We hope you all have a great half term, and are feeling well rested. We do know it can be hard to get yourself back in the work frame of mind when you are working from home, but do your best - last time you were all champions!
Today we will have a Zoom catch up at 10am. We can have a chat and share our half term adventures and then I will go through our week and we will look at our maths for today.
We will go through our maths online at 10am today - we are starting a new topic on fractions so I want to remind you all about them. For the first 2 days of this week we will recap fractions using IXL and then from Wednesday we will be back to using our Power Maths books and mathletics.
Your task today will be to complete some of the IXL questions. Here are the links. Do as many of each question as you need to feel really confident (at least 10 of each). Use this time to really remind yourself what fractions are.
You were awesome on BugClub in the last week of term - keep up with your reading this week! Why not draw a picture of your favourite character in your book?
Our English unit for the next 2 weeks is looking at persuasive writing and the language that goes with it. You will build up to writing a persuasive advert to sell a healthy snack ( you get to design one along the way too!). Today we look at an advert and identify its features. You will also write (just a few!) sentences using a comparative and a superlative. (Don't worry if you cant remember what they are - you will soon find out!)
Today we will think about how farming over the centuries has changed the landscape in the UK. Listen to, or read the powerpoint linked below. There are then 3 short tasks for you to complete. As always, take care, do your research and illustrate your work wherever you wish!
Information on hedgerows