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– and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

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Year 4 - Oak Class


(Excuse the premature message, but for me, term 6 has ended!)


What a year, but we are finally (almost!) at the end of term 6 and the beginning of the summer holidays!


It has been a pleasure teaching your children this year, they have made us laugh (a lot), made us worry (at times), definitely made us raise our eyebrows in surprise/astonishment/bemusement (in a good way of course), tested our patience (only occasionally) and most of all made us really, really proud at how far they have come since they walked into our classroom all those months ago. Their progress and growth has been a real joy to observe and we will all miss them very much.


A big thank you from me (Mrs H) for the wonderful end of year gifts, they truly are appreciated and I am very touched at all the lovely messages and kind words. 

Miss Richards has also asked me to pass on her thanks and appreciation for all her wonderful leaving presents too, she has loved her time at West Malling and we really hope she comes back to visit us soon!


One last time...




Please find the Spring Bird Hunt sheet below! Sorry, I forgot to give them out this week. Miss Richards will have some in class tomorrow for the children if you cannot print.

Spring Bird Hunt

Welcome back to Term 5!

The Oak team hope you had a great Easter break and that the Easter Bunny visited you all! Mrs Hillsdon was very disappointed to find that her chickens didn't lay chocolate eggs over this holiday -  she has had some serious discussions with her hens who have promised to try harder next Easter.


Just a few things to let you know at the moment.

Our class newsletter is having a final few tweaks and then it will be posted on here. Homework is again expected for Term 5 and our Oak class homework sheet will be posted below - we have been told that at the moment the school printer isn't working so we won't be able to send paper copies out immediately but will as soon as we can.

PE is back to a Tuesday, so PE kits can be worn on that day - please, even though the days seem warmer, can the children wear a school jumper that day as we always have little shivering bodies in class on PE days!


Learner of the Week                                                                            12.3.2021

We are so proud to congratulate our third Learner of the Week on her achievements this week. This little acorn has settled back into school with such a fantastic attitude, it really stood out to us adults. Her calm, attentive and keen manner means she is always ready, participates throughout our lessons, volunteers ideas and offers to help with small tasks wherever possible. Just brilliant! Congratulations:


Admire our astounding pop art partner portraits inspired by Roy Lichtenstein:

Learner of the Week                                                                    5.3.2021


Our second Learner of the Week this term is 




Liv has been a consistent attendant of our Zoom calls throughout this lockdown and - in the last couple of weeks in particular -  we have noticed how avidly she participates in all aspect of our remote learning, including making thoughtful, pertinent suggestions in our lessons, giving other children helpful, positive feedback on their work and sharing her own thoughts, even when no-one else is willing to do so. We applaud your commitment to your learning and courage to always 'give it a go', Liv. Keep it up!

Who doesn't need a sock-sorting robot? Great engineering presentation from Zac - check it out:

Return to School

8th March 2021


I have attached below the letter Mr Rye has sent out in case here is an easier place for you to read it. 

Please do take the time to read through it and discuss it with your child - although not much has changed since when we were last in school, it would be excellent to remind them of the routines. Please note our PE day has returned to Tuesday from this term. On PE days please will you ensure your child has an adequate school jumper (please not a random coloured hoodie) and tracksuit bottoms or leggings until the weather is warmer. Sadly we do not have clothes that we can hand out to keep them warm and before Christmas we had many shivering pupils! Hopefully this spring like weather will continue and soon it will be wonderfully warm again!

I would like to add here that a school jumper is a necessity at the moment as we have to teach with all windows wide open and the external door open. Our classroom can be chilly at times ( even though the heating is on) and learning is much easier when you are warm enough!


Monday 1st March



All your Oak adults are so excited that we are (probably) all going to be back in OUR classroom this time next week! Miss Richards and Mr White have been teaching in Key Worker school all this time so they have never been away, but I haven't been in since last year! I hope I can remember where our classroom is! laugh I really am so happy that we can get back to our funny normal in school where we wash our hands a lot, have playtime on our own and eat lunch in our class! Oh, and do LOTS of super hard work!

Have you worked out that I am VERY EXCITED that we are going to be back yet?!


Ok. Time for me to calm down and be serious teacher.

Please check the buttons below for this week's learning!


Remember our Zoom meeting at 10am!

What you have all been waiting for! 

Here is the video we spoke about on Zoom of my chickens having a bath! 

Having played rugby with you, I think some of you may have the same routine!

Bath Time!

Still image for this video


Here we go again!

We really do hope our learning isn't like this for too much longer! We are ever hopeful for a swift return to school, with this in mind we have taken the decision not to change the format of our learning for Term 4. 


It was a great surprise to check my email and find you have earned another two certificates on IXL! Fabulous combined job Oak, great team work! We will have to print our certificates and put then up in class as soon as we are back.

Half Term News!

2 more chickens for Mrs H!

Meet Bebe and Betty. They are called Frizzles and have curly feathers!

We did it! We wish you all a restful, fun and all-around lovely half-term. Enjoy the break!


Bug Club Challenge Champions: 

A tremendous 'WOOHOOOO! You are ridiculously rad readers!' to our Top Bugs - many ties but never fear, we have prizes a-plenty ready for your return in Oak: 

  1. Hattie - 25 books 
  2. Tilly - 21 books 
  3. Ollie and Emilie - 16 books 
  4. Lottie and Charlie - 10 books 
  5. Grace and Oscar - 9 books 


We are blown away by the amount of effort that you have put into this reading challenge (altogether, these children have also completed over 950 quizzes - insanely impressive) on top of completing our daily projects. Just fantastic! enlightenedyesheart

Congratulations to 

Emilie, Evie, Florence, Maddie, Liv and Zac 

You have earned over 100 Class Dojo points - WOW!



Joshua, Eve and Charlie 

who have earned over 100 Dojo points already - WOW! Gold certificates will be awaiting you upon your return to school. 

                            OAK CHAMPIONS!

You have worked so well over the last few days...look what I received in my email!

1000 questions answered!

Amazing work everyone! Let's see if we can make it to the next certificate before Friday!


Almost there!

Being very aware how hard everyone has been working and how frustrating lockdown life is getting, we thought it was time for some FUN! 

As we talked about on last Friday's Zoom call, we are ditching our normal lesson routine in favour of having project days! Each day will center around a particular theme and subject:

Geography (Mon), PE (Tuesday), Art (Wed), Music (Thurs), DT (Fri)


Each day, you will be asked to complete a project and a little writing task linked to it. Instead of proper maths lessons, we will set you a daily maths game or recap to practise the skills we have so far covered in Year 4. 

We also ask you to complete at least 3 books on Bug Club (not just quizes). In the spirit of friendly competition, we will award prizes for the top 5 bugs


Below is a grid overview detailing the essential information, including Zoom calls and resources needed, for your convenience. We will upload any relevant links, resources and pre-recorded Power Point lessons to each day's subpage (at the top of the class website). You will see from the schedule that we plan on having at least one Zoom call a day. Please do NOT worry if you can't make the Zoom calls - all necessary information will be delivered via the Power Point lessons. Of course, we would love to see you if you can make it. 


Whilst it is the last week of term, we know what you are capable of and still expect you complete our projects to the best of your ability - please try to work independently as much as possible, your parents need a break, too. heart


There is a lot of room for creativity and choice - we are excited to see how you interpret our challenges and make them your own. 


Have fun! 

Miss Richards, Mrs Hillsdon and Mr White 


Last Week Overview

Learner of the Week                                                                   5.2.2021


Our fifth Learner of the Week for this term only joined Oak Class recently but has fit in so brilliantly, we feel like she has always been part of our community. She shows respect, patience and calmness to all around her and follows instructions quickly, eager to improve her work. It has been wonderful seeing her confidence grow and character flourish at school and we are delighted to award you our Learner of the Week



Wonderful home learning - we love seeing how you interpret our lessons and share your learning with us

Still image for this video

Amari - Chapter 5

Still image for this video

Friday 22nd January

How many sleeps until half-term? Not that ANYONE is counting, of course. cheeky 

Bearing in mind how hard you have all been working, we are going to take a slightly different approach to our learning next week. Check back to our class website in the afternoon and I will share all the details with you in our class assembly zoom, as well. 

REMEMBER, our Zoom is at 1.15pm today. I can't wait to see you!


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths, English, PSHE and of course reading. 

If anyone requires a reminder of their Bug Club logins, please don't be shy. It doesn't take us long to reset and/or send your details to you if you need them. 



Here are the answers to Thursday's lesson:


Today we conclude our recap of area by comparing two shapes:





Today concludes our unit on 'The Borrowers' and we will be taking a break from Oak National Academy lessons next week. In this last lesson, we discuss our favourite characters:



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. Remember to let us know if you need a reminder of your Bug Club logins.



Today's lesson concludes our 'Think positive' unit in PSHE. How did you like it? Was it helpful to learn more about your brain, mindfulness and trying out things like the sound bath? Would you like more lessons like this or perhaps just a regular little practice? Let me know what you think. 


In today's lesson, we discuss uncomfortable emtotions:


Optional extra: 

Mindfulness colouring

Amari - Chapter 4

Still image for this video

Thursday 27th January

Good morning everyone! How are you enjoying our new book so far?


Remember, we do NOT have a Zoom meeting at 9am as usual today but are instead having our class assembly at 1.15pm TOMORROW (Friday), as this was a lot more successful. I hope this doesn't inconvenience anybody and I look forward to seeing you all then. 


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, RE, French and of course reading.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.



Here are the answers to Wednesday's maths lesson:


Today we continue to recap making shapes:




Some of you have worked super hard on Mathletics, pushing ahead to complete additional tasks. If you haven't got anything else assigned - don't panic. We will release the next batch of assignments when we begin our new unit. If you completed today's lesson and want to add a little more maths work, why not practise your times tables using Times Table Rockstars or another online game? 



I today's English lesson, we analyse the climax and resolution, ready to write these on Friday.



Can you complete a book in Bug Club today? If you don't have access to technology, read your own book. I am looking forward to asking you on Friday about what you're currently reading - I need to a few new titles to my future reading list. smiley



Today's RE lesson is a shortie, to give you all enough time to complete the task:



Today's shopping lesson explores how to use money in French: 



French numbers 1-100

Amari and the Night Brothers - Chapter 3

Still image for this video

Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning and happy Wednesday to you all 

I hope you are keeping well and finding this week easier than the last. I don't know about you but yesterday was the first day I properly noticed the days being lighter longer - a little sign that we are moving out of winter and (slowly) towards spring. The half-term break is just around the corner! heart



Our Zoom session will be on FRIDAY at 1.15pm. We will share our learning, make a few announcements (including the winner of the mascot competition) and celebrate our Learner of the Week. 


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths, English, science, reading, yoga (plus extra little mindfulness meditation) and the usual Mathletics.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish. 



You can find the answers to yesterday's maths lesson here:


Though we have completed our Power Maths lessons on area, we will not move onto our new unit this week, instead allowing us some time to practise our newly-aquired area skills. Please watch the following video first. The accompanying worksheet to the lesson can be followed underneath, however please do not worry if you don't have a printer. You can simply write down your answers on a piece of paper. Remember to number your answers, though, so you know what to mark when the answers are published tomorrow. 







Having finished writing your opening yesterday, we are working on creating an effective build-up today. Take the opportunity to read through your work as you go along, checking your punctuation carefully.



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. It's great to see that many of you are completing books regularly. Well done Lilly for joining our Bug Club top ranking readers - we are very proud of you! 



It's another practical lesson today. I am curious to see how you get on with this one! Remember, if you haven't got the materials to hand, you can complete the investigation another day - pop an email through to me to let me know, if you're concerned. smiley





Here's your weekly yoga activity to give your brains a break - it's Minecraft themed!

Underneath is another short mindfulness video for you to enjoy. I am happy to hear how you find these little breaks enjoyable and helpful. yes

We have checked the videos are appropriate for children. Nevertheless, to avoid opening You Tube, click on the red play arrow and watch the video staying inside the school website.

Minecraft | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Thought Bubbles | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

Chapter 2 Amari and the Night Brothers

Tuesday 2nd February

Thank you for all the wonderful work you sent in yesterday. You had some really interesting ideas when comparing arable and pastoral farming. Here are two examples of work that was sent to me, did you have any different ideas?


Remember, you chose for our Zoom call today to be a "Show and Tell" time. You can show and/or tell me anything! You do not have to, of course, you could just come along and listen to the ideas of everyone else! You could show us a pet, a great book, share some exciting news, I am excited at the thought of someone doing a dance or even singing us a song - be prepared for others to ask you questions though! I am going to *try* and bring a chicken along with me but they really are not well behaved girls and do NOT like being made to do things they don't want to!


Today's learning:


We continue with area today. You have all done really well with this topic, so a BIG pat on the back from us all!

Before you start your maths today, watch the BBC clip below to remind you all about area.


This is the last area lesson we will do for now. Below the links for today's work is a link to an area game that you can play.


Yesterday's answers:


Today's lesson:


Area game:


If you have REALLY enjoyed area and would like to REALLY challenge yourself, have a look at this BBC clip all about finding the area of triangles!


Although we check the websites carefully and are confident with our choices, please make sure you are happy with your child continuing out of our school website before they proceed.




It's a short lesson today! Hooray!

You will be planning your writing and thinking about some great vocabulary to use too.



Lots and lots and lots please!laugh What do you think of our new class reading book? Wait until you hear who is at Amari's door!



Here is lesson 4 of our PASS keep fit. As always you can get your exercise any other way you wish. (please click the red arrow to watch this within our school website)


Year 3-4FitnessLesson 4


You have 3 choices today!

You can carry on creating in Scratch , you can play the Hour of Code games or you could carry on challenging yourself with the Turtle Academy work on Logo!


Please spend at least 20 minutes working on whatever activity you choose - maybe you could do a little of all of them!

Have a great Tuesday!

Chapter 1 of our new reading book! Please click the red arrow to watch this in our school website. smiley

Chapter 1 Amari and the Night Brothers



A few people have asked about sending their mascots to me today. Please make sure, that if you have designed a mascot, you send me a picture by 3pm today (Monday)! I will show you all the entries in our zoom tomorrow morning.

Also! If you sneak back here at about 3pm, you will find the video of the FIRST CHAPTER OF OUR NEW BOOK!!

It is called Amari and the Night Brothers and Miss Richards and I are very excited to share it with you!


Monday 1st February

I say this every week, but I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS WEEK 5! It is also February already! 

Last week Miss Richards wrote about thinking of positive things when we feel a bit down, I think it is also important to have something to look forward to.  Today, think about 2 or 3 things that you are looking forward to and tell me about them on Tuesday's zoom.

I am looking forward to:

1. Starting our new reading book today!

2. A delivery of chicken treats (treats for my chickens and not chicken things to eat!)

3. I am especially looking forward to seeing all of you again as soon as possible!

In a normal world these things may just seem usual and part of life, but this crazy Covid world has changed the way we see things so what used to be routine can now be exciting!


Something else that is's work! 



I think you will like today's maths - we are carrying on counting squares to find the area of rectilinear shapes.


 If you are feeling like a challenge after this, I have attached another area page of work at the bottom of today's work. It is similar to the challenge question I didn't like in today's book but I like this one!



Today we are going to think about effective vocabulary for the build up scene in The Borrowers. We will work hard at "showing not telling" characters emotions.


Books, ebooks, comics, articles, a website about something you are interested in...just make sure you read! 



Keep up to date

It feels like ages since we last watched Newsround, why don't you keep up with the news?



We had a little break from geography last week while you designed your mascots, but this week we carry on thinking about farming!

Today, can you compare arable farming and pastoral farming and think about what is the same between them, and what is different. I have attached a venn diagram that you could use, or you could draw your own. Remember, in the part of where the circles overlap you write what is the same for both.


You can look at the work you did for arable and pastoral farming to get lots of ideas  -  you could even look at the powerpoints I put on Oak page for those lessons. Try to use your own thoughts and work before you use the internet to help you. I would love it if you could put at least 3 - 4 ideas in each part of the diagram. You may even find that one section is easier to fill than the others but try your best! 

Learner of the Week                                              29.1.'21


This week's Learner of the Week has impressed all of Oak Team since the very beginning of term. Week in, week out, she has consistently dazzled us not only with the quality of her work but, much more importantly, her outstandingly positive, calm and resilient attitude. We've said before in class, that our mindset is like a muscle we can train and my goodness, have you been applying that to the way you tackle our lessons. Congratuluations, 



You've been an all-round superstar this week. Keep it up!

Uh oh! We are experiencing technical difficulties at Keyworker School. I am currently unable to access the class emails - please accept my apologies for not getting back to you sooner. We are trying to fix the issue but I will respond as soon as I can (definitely when I am home in the afternoon). I hope this doesn't inconvenience you. We will still attempt our class assembly Zoom at 1.15 today. Keep your fingers crossed.

Friday 22nd January

Four weeks are in the bag! 'Ay, caramba!' as Bart Simpson would say. Two more to go everyone - we can do this! 

It's easy to get bogged down in the dullery and frustration of it all - HOWEVER, a small thing I found really helpful was: Every time a negative thought crosses my mind, I make myself say three things that are good and wonderful right now in this moment. E.g. I am very sad about not having seen my sister in a year = sad thought. BUT: I am grateful we have technologies such as Zoom and Skype available so I can talk to and see her. I am happy that I even own a laptop and have an internet connection, so I can use the aforementioned technology. I am happy that my sister is safe and healthy. = three good thoughts. 

Of course I am still sad, but less so, because I now also feel undeniably happy, glad and grateful. Give this technique a try, if you like, and let me know what you think. As with most strategies like these, the more you do it, the better it works. laugh 


REMEMBER, our Zoom is at 1.15pm today (Friday). See you there heart


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, PSHE and of course reading.If anyone requires a reminder of their Bug Club logins, please don't be shy. It doesn't take us long to reset and/or send your details to you if you need them. 



Here are the answers to Thursday's lesson:


Today we continue exploring area by counting squares. You will be working from page 60 of your work book:



The openings I have read so far are FAN-TAS-TIC! WOOHOO! I am really excited to see how your stories develop. Naturally, we will want to include some dialogue - and therefore speech - between our intriguing characters. So today we are practising how to punctuate speech:



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. Remember to let us know if you need a reminder of your Bug Club logins.



Today we are exploring mindfulness activities: 


Here are the two videos I mentioned in the lesson. The top one is a simple bell, the other a more elaborate sound bath. Whichever you choose, make sure you are sitting down or lying comfortably and focus entirely on the sound. 


Let me know what you think yes


We have checked the videos are appropriate for children. Nevertheless, to avoid opening You Tube, click on the red play arrow and watch the video staying inside the school website.



Mindfulness Bell - A 5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

5 Minute Mindfulness Sound Bath | Gong Meditation Music | Reconnect with the Present Moment

Thursday 27th January

Good morning everyone! Remember, we do NOT have a Zoom meeting at 9am as usual today but are instead trying out having a class assembly at 1.15pm TOMORROW (Friday). This will be more conducive for our mornings in keyworker school (it was a little tough juggling several classes, as well as two Zooms at the same time, I hope you understand), moreover I think it will make a lovely way to round off the week. Fingers crossed the Zoom connection is more stable, too. Login details are the same. I hope to see you all there. smiley


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, RE, French and of course reading.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.



Here are the answers to Wednesday's maths lesson:


Today we continue to explore area by counting squares:


Some Mathletics tasks have been set for you, however these don't correspond with our Power Maths work on area as we have almost completed all our relevant parts for this term. 



The sentence work I have seen so far from yesterday's lesson was very promising. We are writing our opening today. I can't wait to see what you come up with:



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. If you haven't been using Bug Club so far, why not mix things up and complete a book or two on this useful platform?



Today's RE lesson is a shortie, to give you all enough time to complete the task:




Our fourth shopping lesson focuses on asking where you can buy certain items:




NEE-NAW, NEE-NAW, ATTENTION, PLEASE! Tomorrow's 9am Zoom has been moved to FRIDAY at 1.15pm in order to both try out more of a 'class assembly' format and - hopefully - a more stable internet connection. Learner of the Week will be announced then, too. I look forward to seeing you all then. (Same login details as usual)

Wednesday 27th January

Crikey, only 2.5 weeks to go until half-term - WE CAN DO IT!  I miss you all terribly and hope you (and your families) are doing well. Please try to take little breaks in the day to give your brain a break and shake the wigglies out. Although the weather has been patchy - it does you so much good to go for a quick walk outside (even around the garden) in between tackling lessons. 


We know how tricky it is for your grown-ups to arrange work, remote learning, child supervision, the usual household chores and so we continue to applaud all our families for pushing through these tricky times. Every day is different and it is normal to have days where things just aren't coming together and 'something's got to give'. Please remember, we are all in this together.


We are on the second half now and soon will experience a deserved break. Mrs Hillsdon and myself appreciate all your feedback regarding home learning - it's so helpful to know what works for your family and what does not. Whilst we are unlikely to find a learning offer that 100% suits ALL our families, our continuous reviews will help shape how Oak Class' remote learning will look after half-term. 


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths, English, science, reading, yoga (plus extra little mindfulness meditation) and the usual Mathletics.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish. 



You can find the answers to yesterday's maths lesson here:


I know that many of you will be DELIGHTED to hear that we are done with division - for now. You've all worked hard and we know it's been challenging. We have completed the unit and for the moment are 'parking' this area of maths. We will go over and extend your understanding after a break. 

So, today marks the beginning of our new unit - I think you will all like this one: Area!


This BBC Bitesize clip explains area well; some of you have told me how much you like the Bitesize clips, so I trust it is helpful.


I found this website that has a whole host of fun-looking maths games. It does require your grown-ups to sign up to an account but it is FREE and you can test the games out. Here's the link to the area and perimeter games. No obligation to use this resource but it may be of interest for some of you:


Let me know how you get on. The games I have tried so far have been helpful and fun! 


Mathletics tasks have been set as usual. 



After all our spelling and grammar preparation, we are now beginning the creative element of our Borrowers unit. Today we are going to plan our intriguing openers to hook the reader in:



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. It's great to see that many of you are completing books regularly. Well done Lilly for joining our Bug Club top ranking readers - we are very proud of you! 



This week we explore pitch! There is a practical activity for you to create your own music instrument. Please do not worry if you haven't got the required materials - you can do this activity another day OR create a different instrument to demonstrate different pitch with the materials that you do have to hand. I can't wait to see and hear your instruments in our next Zoom session. 




BBC Bitesize clips (hyperlinks also in PowerPoint):



Here's your weekly yoga activity to give your brains a break. This is an online yoga instructor called Adriene (grownups might be familiar with her free online session) - I really like this set as it's suuuuuuper relaxing, is rainbow-themed AND can you spot Adriene's dog, Benjie? HOW CUTE IS HE?! heart


Underneath is another short mindfulness video  - many of you said you really enjoyed this last week; I too find it a nice to unwind at the end of a busy day of learning. 

We have checked the videos are appropriate for children. Nevertheless, to avoid opening You Tube, click on the red play arrow and watch the video staying inside the school website.

Rainbow Yoga 🌈 Yoga For All Ages! 🌈 Yoga With Adriene

Rainbow Yoga! The perfect 17-minute practice to brighten your day, to help turn darkness into light. Great for ALL AGES!

The Owl and the Guard Dog | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

A short story to understand our brains better

Chapter 28

Third time lucky today!

As we spoke about on Zoom this morning, here is a link to one of the stories online. You can look at the rest of their stories too if you'd like to. I have listened to this one, but not ALL the others, so make sure you check with an adult at home.


I have also linked to one of the drawing lessons, again, you can explore all the things they teach you to draw in their videos. This one is especially for Mr White as it is a Sith Trooper from Star Wars!

Arnie the Doughnut read by Chris O'Dowd

Arnie the Doughnut is written and illustrated by Laurie Keller and read by Chris O'Dowd.At first glance, Arnie looks like an average doughnut - round, cakey,...

How To Draw A Sith Trooper From Star Wars

Today, we're learning how to draw a cartoon Sith Trooper from Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker. We can't wait to see this movie and we already know these are ...

Tuesday 26th January

 I hope you had a lovely Monday, it's been very cold here! I hope you are all snug and warm indoors. 

I have seen some wonderful mascot designs already! Keep them coming!


Today's work


Another day on division! Today you are dividing a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number! You will use exactly the same skills, there is just 1 more step!


Monday's answers


Tuesday's lesson



Keep reading! As much as you can! 

Have you earned many coins in BugClub to spend? I like seeing all the stickers you can buy with your coins!



A teeny tiny lesson today! You will practise spellings with the spelling patterns we looked at last week -ary and -ery.



As always, the PE here is just a suggestion for you. As I said last week try to get as much exercise as you can. You could try our PE lessons here, go for a walk, a muddy squelch or even join in a yoga class on YouTube. 

Here is  today's PE lesson.




Year 3-4 FitnessLesson 3


I thought we could try something different in computing today.  We will be writing some commands in Logo - similar to those we drag and drop in Scratch.  If you would like to carry on with your Scratch design you can, but I thought it might be fun to try something else. 

The Logo website takes you through the instructions very clearly but I have popped guidance into a PowerPoint in case you need that too. 


The website is here:


Guidance powerpoint ( no sound needed!)


I will be back by 3pm with Chapter 28 of WLTGOI! Hope to see you on Zooooooom!

Chapter 27

Week 4

Monday 25th January


I can't quite believe we are into week 4 already. In some ways it seems to have flown by, in other ways it has very much been a slow process to get here!


As Mr Rye pointed out in his newsletter last week, Oak National Academy and The National Literacy Trust have joined forces to create an online library for children during this time. They will have an Author of the Week who will talk about their work. 

This week is Jacqueline Wilson, who is a very popular author among our age group.


Whole school worship will go live again today at 10.30 am - let's hope Mr Rye sticks around for the end of his own worship this week! I hope to see lots of you there!


Today's work:



We continue with division this week. I know some of you were having a bit of a hard time with division last week, so I made you something that MAY help remind you what it is all about. If you are happy and confident with division you do not have to watch this! (There is no work involved, you just have to listen!)


Then, we are dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.



Why not check out the new online library for your reading today? ( Link is above)



We are carrying on with The Borrowers this week. Today you will listen to an extract of the book which describes a setting. You will then look at the key vocabulary used in this description and think about how to use the same skills in your own writing.


In a change from our usual geography...

...after lots of requests for an art or design lesson, try this for today!

(Geography will be back next week!). You have all week for this task, so don't rush, put lots of thought into it. Miss Richards, Mr White and I will judge on Friday after school and let you know the winner on Monday!




I am sorry that I didn't read to you all on Thursday or Friday last week. We WILL finish WLTGO this week!!!

Learner of the Week                                                                 22.1.2021


Our third Learner of the Week has thoroughly impressed Mrs Hillsdon and myself with his never-wavering positivity and enjoyment of learning. Whether it's at home or in school, he is eager to learn new things, listens carefully to instructions and tackles every task with calm and diligence. In all the work he creates, he works neatly, carefully and considers the details. Lastly, he has brightened up our days with little messages to us, too - we just love hearing from you and knowing what's going on at home. You should be very proud of your consistently high efforts, because we are! 



Friday 22nd January

It's almost the end of Week 3 of lockdown - we are delighted to have received so much positive feedback from you all; it sounds like most of you have found your feet with the online learning and have established a good routine at home. Mr White, Mrs Hillsdon and myself are thrilled to hear that many Oak students have tackled their learning independently, showing a greater resilience and positive attitude in just getting 'it done'. Remember, the sooner you finish your work, the sooner you can enjoy the rest of your day. Worrying about anything is a bit like sitting in a rocking chair: you can spend hours of your time and energy sitting in it but you won't actually have moved anywhere. 


So, get up from that rocking chair, have a stretch and a wiggle and crack on with today's lessons. enlightened


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, PSHE and of course reading.If anyone requires a reminder of their Bug Club logins, please don't be shy. It doesn't take us long to reset and/or send your details to you if you need them. yes



Here are the answers to Thursday's lesson:


Today we divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit number (without remainders). Having your multiplication grids or times tables to hand will be useful.



This lesson will take you through strategies to develop a richer (better/juicier) understanding of vocabulary relating to large objects. Remember, to the borrowers most normal-sized items in our homes are GIGANTIC! Having exciting and powerful words to describe this will really make your writing stand out:



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. Remember to let us know if you need a reminder of your Bug Club logins.



Today we are exploring how to deal with ch-ch-ch-changes:


Here are the stories for you to choose from. I can't wait to see your comic strips showing what strategies you will have the child use to cope with his/her emotions.

Optional Extra: Choose one of these mindfulness colouring sheets and let your mind rest as you simply concentrate on colouring each segment in as neatly as you can. Each sheet has a quote that I thought you might like and find fitting. Enjoy!

Thursday 21st January

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's lessons - I can't wait to see you all for our zoom 'drop in' at 9am. Fingers crossed for a more stable internet connection at my end! Remember, the details were emailed to your parents earlier this week and are the same as on Tuesday. 


I will be online from 9.00 to 9.45am, drop in if you can, it would be marvellous to see you! 


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, RE, French and of course reading.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.



Here are the answers to Wednesday's maths lesson:


Today we are dividing with a remainder - exciting!


Additional mathletics tasks have been set to reinforce the multiplication work we are working on.



Our English lesson today teaches you how to generate a juicy word bank to describe characters:



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. 

Well done Lottie for completing a mighty stack of books on Bug Club in the last week - wow!yeslaugh 



We are looking at the bible story of the Good Samaritan today. This will lead you to create another RE art project. I hope to see lots of care and attention to detail in these art pieces. You may wish to finish these over the weekend, so please feel free to email these in a little later than usual, if this offers more time.


There is a link to the relevant BBC video clip embedded in the power point but here it is again, should it be easier to access:


You may choose to draw your own triptych (a picture combining three panels) or use the below outline (if you happen to have a printer).



Today we are describing clothing!


Chapter 26 part 1

Chapter 26 part 2

Wednesday 20th January

Hallo ihr Lieben! Wowoweewah - Week 3 already, this month is whizzing by! I hope you're all feeling fresh and keen to crack on with more learning today.


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths, English, science, reading, yoga (plus extra little mindfulness meditation) and the usual Mathletics.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish. 



You can find the answers to yesterday's maths lesson here:


Today we are back on Book B and we are beginning to divide!


Additional mathletics tasks have been set to reinforce the division work we are working on.



The Borrowers is one of my favourite books from when I was a child. I hope you're all enjoying the creative set of lessons this week. Today we are revising the definition of word class and construct sentences:



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. Try to complete books, not just quizzes. You all have plenty allocated. smiley



This week we are investigating how we actually hear sound. 



BBC Bitesize clip (hyperlink also in PowerPoint):



Here's your weekly yoga activity to give your brains a break. Underneath is also a short mindfulness video themed 'I can' - a nice unwind at the end of a busy day of learning. 

We have checked this video is appropriate for children. Nevertheless, to avoid opening You Tube, click on the red play arrow and watch the video staying inside the school website.


Star Wars (The Force Awakens) | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Yes You Can! | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids

Chapter 25

Tuesday 19th January

Well done for all the brilliant work some of you have already sent in! You really are working hard and some of your topic work on Farming is fantastic! I have popped a link to some great powerpoint presentations that some of you created below.



It was wonderful to see so many of you in the whole school worship today, I spent most of the time looking through the 3 pages of people we were zooming with to look for you all! If you saw me looking to the side at all, my chickens were pecking at my back door for my attention all through Mr Rye's assembly!


Today's learning!



Today we practise the 7, 11 and 12 x tables. This lesson is NOT in your PM book B, tomorrow you will be back in Book B so don't worry! If you want to print these pages out you can, but please, just have a really great practise and get to know these X tables inside out and upside down!


Monday's Answers:


Tuesday's lesson:



How are you enjoying The Borrowers? I love the story!

Today's lesson is a sideways step to look at some spelling patterns!



As often and as much as possible!  If you have a favourite topic, or style of book let us know and we will try to look on BugClub for something that fits. Their books are pretty limited unfortunately!



Of course you can take part in any exercise, a walk, a run, bouncing on the trampoline or even pogo sticking or cycling! Here is Mrs Barratt if you fancy something different!



Year 3-4FitnessLesson 2


We are continuing to create games on Scratch today. This will be our last session doing this for now, but of course you can carry on at home.

I know some of you have had trouble with adding a score - please don't worry. This is time for you to explore and get things wrong and then work out how to get them right (if you can!). I'd aim for about 20-30 minutes on Scratch today. You could also investigate the Hour of Code site:


If you are up for a challenge, create a game of your choice. That could be a Pong type game, a chase game or even a clicker game. 

If the scoring is too tricky, then please leave it for now.


This link should take you to the tutorials, good luck!

Chapter 24 Part 1

Chapter 24 part 2


It has been bought to our attention that the pages for PowerMaths today are in a previous book - Book A and those of you who collected your PM books have Book B (the correct one for this term). Please do not worry about printing these or going to any additional trouble if this causes problems. The children can still practise their 6x and 9x tables in whatever format they choose. Simply writing them down and chanting, making up a song, playing the online games - normal book work will resume on Wednesday. This is merely an interlude to make sure we are all on top of our game!

Monday 18th January

Week 3 already!

We had hoped to be back in school at this point but we aren't able to be, sadly. We are really proud of how well you are working and what effort lots of you are putting into your work. Something that may make you feel a little more part of the whole school (and those pupils who are still in school) will be Mr Rye's assembly today at 10.30am. You have been sent a zoom invite for this via email. I will be there and I will be definitely looking out for all my little acorn faces!


You will be experts at this timetable by now, and I bet you know what is coming!



For the first 2 days of the week we are going to revise our X tables. This is so when we get to division on Wednesday you are all ready to go! I am also going to attach some X table worksheets below IF you would like to use those. There will also be a link or two to some X table games.



This week we are starting some written tasks - we have chosen a set of lessons all about The Borrowers. This is a brilliant classic children's novel (and I think the film is currently on Netflix!). We think you will really enjoy the story about little people who live beneath the floorboards!



Please remember to read today for at least 20 minutes. You can use BugClub if you wish or your own reading books. Maybe you have someone you can call and read to? I know my daughter likes phoning her Nana and reading to her.



Lesson 3 of Amazing Agriculture! Today we will learn all about Pastoral Farming (and look at VERY cute animals!) There are 2 videos to watch after you have listened to the powerpoint and I will load them below. Remember, to watch within our school website you must click the arrow to watch.


Have a fun day and I can't wait to hear what you've been up to and to see you in assembly!

Royal Cornwall Farming & Food Education for Schools: Learn about livestock

Find out more about livestock farming in the UK. How are pigs, sheep and cattle bred and cared for by farmers? What types of meat come from which animals? Wh...

Royal Cornwall Farming & Food Education for Schools: Learn about dairy farming

Find out more about dairy farming in the UK. Where does your milk come from? How do farmers produce it? What do dairy cows eat? And, most importantly, what f...

Learner of the Week                                                             15.1.2021


Our second Learner of the Week this term iiiiiiiiiiiis......




Evie, we are entirely bowled over by your enthusiasm to do your learning. Although we are fortunate to see you in keyworker school, we can honestly say that we are entirely impressed with your unrelenting, positive attitude to every single aspect of our learning and, moreover, how independent you have become since we began Year 4 back in September. You get all your equipment ready on your own, settle into tasks swiftly, try your hardest with each subject AND do it all with a big smile on your face - thank you for being such a happy, positive and keen learner, Evie. Keep up the fantastic efforts! 

Friday 15th January

We've made it to the end of Week 2 of lockdown - a big WELL DONE to you all (including you, dear parents) for settling into this new routine and taking on the challenge of learning from home. We are immensely proud of you all. 


Thank you for sending photos of your work in; we love seeing your efforts and are thrilled to see many of you take such great care and attention to detail in the presentation of your learning. I will put a selection of photos up in our learning gallery slideshow later. It's brilliant to see your creativity come out in some of the set tasks, too. Grace, I love your filmed explanation of the water cycle using Minecraft (genius!enlightened) and Zac, your 'sound survey' power point (with recorded commentary, no lesslaugh) made my day - it was like having you natter to me in my flat. Exquisite efforts in independent creativity you two yesyes


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, PSHE and of course reading.

Remember you can do these in any order you like.



Here are the answers to yesterday's lesson. I really enjoyed the lesson, I hope you did too laugh


Today we are going over the learning from yesterday: finding all possible combinations using multiplication.



In this lesson we explore what a 'theme' is and how this relates to our book:



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. Remember to let us know if you need a reminder of your Bug Club logins.

Wowee, Liv, Hattie, Tilly, Ollie, Lilly, Mylo, Liana, Maisie, Oscar and Eve for your splendid efforts on Bug Club - I can see how much time and effort you're putting into this part of our learning, well done indeed! yes



Today we are exploring thoughts and feelings:



Last week we learnt that music can help us feel positive, so have a dance break, throw some shapes and shake it off winkheart


While we do all we can to check links, pesky ads may pop up that you can avoid by clicking the 'play' button below and watching the clip within our website.

To avoid opening the YouTube website, click on the red play arrow and watch the video staying inside the school website.

Chapter 23 PART1

Chapter 23 Part 2

*** Who Let the Gods Out Update***

Good morning! I have popped back on to let you know I tried to upload our next chapter yesterday but YouTube wouldn't let me as it was a long one! I am going to re-record it and read a bit faster later today! 


Thursday 14th January

I hope you enjoyed Wednesday's lessons - I can't wait to see you all for our zoom 'drop in' at 9am. Remember, the details were emailed to your parents earlier this week and are the same as on Tuesday. 


I will be online from 9.00 to 9.45am, drop in if you can, it would be marvellous to see you! smileyheartyes



Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, RE, French and of course reading.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.



Here are the answers to Wednesday's maths lesson:


I wonder how you all got on; I know it was quite tricky!

Today's maths lesson investigates strategies to finding all possible combinations and is an excellent (and important) skill to master, as these types of problem come up time and time again - how intriguing: 


Additional mathletics tasks have been set to reinforce the multiplication work we are working on.



In this lesson we explore 'Bradley' a little further: 

Your additional tasks are:

Answer the 2 questions you are asked in the video today.

How do you feel about Bradley?

How would you treat Bradley if he was in your class?

Use evidence from the text to explain your thoughts. A great answer would use 2-3 different pieces of evidence. Use all the ideas you thought about with the video to help you and to explain your ideas.

For example: I feel quite sorry for Bradley because he has no friends. I know this because he sits alone and it is clear no one wants to sit with him.




BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. 

Well done Ollie, Hattie and Tilly for completing several books on Bug Club already this week - virtual high fives to you all! yes





We are learning about vegetables today! heart

If you would like to, you can print off this matching game to practice the vegetables:



Wednesday 13th January

Good morning everyone! How are you all? It's fantastic to hear how well week 2 has begun for you and that many of you are finding a new 'groove' with your home learning routine. 


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths, English, science, reading, a yoga activity and the usual Mathletics.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.


Please ensure you have downloaded the PPT lessons, you're playing it as a slideshow and your volume is on/enabled so you benefit from hearing our dictations. 



You can find the answers to yesterday's maths lesson here:


Today we continue multiplying several factors together:


Additional mathletics tasks have been set to reinforce the multiplication work we are working on.



Today we look at 'Jeff' as a character in our There's a boy in the girls' bathroom unit.

If you fancy tackling the additional writing task, we ask you to consider what the girl in the bathroom will do next. Write your prediction out clearly, neatly and using information from the chapter to explain your answer in detail.



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. 

A big WELL DONE to the few of you who have logged into Bug Club so far this week. 



Time to start our new science topic for the term: Sound! 

Watch these short BBC Bitesize clips before going through our lesson:




Here's your weekly yoga activity to give your brains a break:


Frank The Frog | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

We have checked this video is appropriate for children. Nevertheless, to avoid opening You Tube, click on the red play arrow and watch the video staying inside the school website.







Tuesday 12.1.2020

I know that Scratch can cause a few problems, but don't let it get to you. Coding is a VERY tricky job and just by starting a code project you are doing something amazing!

Evie sent me a video of her Scratch game today and I thought I would share with you.


If Scratch is driving you bonkers, why not try some activities on Hour of Code?



Chapter 22

Tuesday 12th January

How are you all feeling? Did you spot the Who Let the Gods Out video I uploaded yesterday? Maybe you could start your day off listening to the chapter!

We will have our Zoom today at 9am so I look forward to seeing you all then.


Well done to all of you who sent in such great work - it really is wonderful to see so many of you trying so hard in these tricky times. One example of some really thoughtful work is here:


Josh created his geography work on the computer, and I think you'll agree, it looks great! Well done Josh on producing a really clear piece of work. Powerpoint works really well for topic work and you are welcome to do your work electronically and send it over to us if you would like to.


Onto Tuesday!


We are continuing with multiplication problems today, and I will post a link to the answers for yesterday's maths so you can check your work. Remember Mathletics has some activities that might help you too.




I hope you enjoyed the beginning of the story yesterday. You will get to find out a little more about the characters today!




I know last week we started a pirate dance with the PASS teachers, but I thought we'd mix it up a bit with some keep fit. Look who is teaching you!! (No, certainly not me!)



Year 3-4FitnessLesson 1


Id like you to improve your Pong game - perhaps with a score that sets itself to 0 when each new game is started!

If you can't remember how to do this, there are tutorials on the website but I will run though it in the morning on Zoom for those of you who are there.

It would be good to log in so you can save your work.

Remember your username is your first name with a capital letter then Oak4.

So for example FredOak4

Your password is oakclass with no capital letters. 


I will upload chapter 22 of WLTGO later!




This is not a necessity, purely if you would like to have the workbooks for them to work from. They are welcome to continue their maths work on paper or any other method you are happy with.

Monday 11th January

Welcome to week 2 of our online learning. 

Please remember to be kind to yourselves and although we want you to do all your work, we also understand that sometimes life may take over.

Remember that this week the BBC start a program of educational programs that might be useful if everyone needs a bit of a break!


Oak learning will follow the same timetable as last week which is very similar to the timetable we have in school.  Our zoom drop ins will again be on Tuesday and Thursday at 9am using the same link as last week and this is a time for any questions about work, a bit of a chat and if there is time maybe a few games! In addition to everything else this week, keep your eye on Oak page the appearance of Mrs H reading our class book Who Let the Gods Out!


Onto Monday's learning!


 Today you will be problem solving using multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers. You practised the skills last week and so you are ready for this challenge! I will also pop up a link to the answers to Friday's maths here too.



We have something new for you to try this week in english. It's another Oak Academy set of lessons but these are based around a book called There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. Over the week you will read some of the chapters, think in detail about some of the characters and use evidence from the text to back up your answers. Once you have finished each day's video, there is a further task that you can complete. All the week's tasks are in a document which will be attached below the link to the video. These should keep you super busy!



As every day, we would like you to read for at least 20 minutes. You can use your BugClub account if you wish, you all have lots of books on there to look at, or one of your own books at home. 



We are continuing our Amazing Agriculture topic this week by looking at arable farming. Listen to the powerpoint and then watch the video below before you start any work. Once you have watched the video you will be ready to go!  Make sure you really think about your work carefully. This is a chance to set your answers out in full sentences which will lead to a great paragraph of information writing. Illustrations are always welcome in your work and as I have said in the powerpoint, maybe you can even answer a question with a picture!



Royal Cornwall Farming & Food Education for Schools: Learn about arable crops

Find out more about arable farming in the UK. How are the crops grown, nurtured and harvested by farmers? What happens to wheat, barley, oats and oil seed ra...

The fruits (or 'les fruits' as we now know) of your labour in this first week of remote learning. A tremendous achievement by all and we are very grateful to all grown-ups for supporting our acorns at home. Well done everybody, your work speaks for itself:


Still image for this video


We have had a few messages that some of you cannot get the sound to work on the dropbox powerpoints.

If you can download the powerpoint, play as a slideshow and ensure your volume is up we hope you will find you can hear them. They need to be played as a slideshow for the volume to be heard.  The slides should have a little speaker in the bottom right which is the audio icon.


How do I hear audio in PowerPoint?

Start the audio in the click sequence or immediately

  1. In Normal view (where you edit your slides), click the audio icon on the slide.
  2. On the Audio Tools Playback tab, in the Audio Options group, select In Click Sequence or Automatically in the Start list. ...
  3. To test the sound, on the Slide Show tab, click From Beginning.

BBC Announcement

The BBC have announced that from Monday 11th January they will provide three hours a day of educational content.

Their press release stated:


Reacting quickly to the news of UK schools moving to remote learning, the new offer from the BBC will ensure all children can access curriculum-based learning, even if they don’t have access to the internet.

Starting on Monday 11 January, each week day on CBBC will see a three-hour block of primary school programming from 9am, including BBC Live Lessons and BBC Bitesize Daily, as well as other educational programming such as Our School and Celebrity Supply Teacher and much loved titles such as Horrible Histories, Art Ninja and Operation Ouch.


I myself look forward to the Celebrity Supply Teacher!

If, like many other parents across the country, there are times when you are struggling to juggle life, work and children with home learning, please use these programs as a bit of an educational break. General knowledge is a wonderful thing we are more than happy for the children to use these resources (within reason of course!). BBC Biteseize is an excellent quality resource and works alongside the curriculum too.

Learner of the Week                                                                              8.1.2020

Congratulations to our first learner of the week in 2021: 



Maisie, we are thoroughly impressed with all your efforts this week. No matter whether it's our remote teaching sessions, Bug Club, Mathletics or joining in on the Zoom sessions - you have given every task your all! Furthermore, despite being at home, it is clear you are still trying your very best to present your work clearly and neatly. Well done indeed for not only tackling our lessons with enthusiasm but resilience and maturity, making sure you're working as independently as possible, which I bet is a big help at home. Keep up this excellent effort!

Friday 8th January

How marvellous it was to see so many of you during yesterday's Zoom call. Thank you for dropping by - it made my day! It was wonderful hearing all your news, as well as finding out how you are getting on with our learning this week.


Thank you also to all of you who have sent in photos of your work. Later today I shall upload a gallery with a selection of photos. 


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, PSHE and of course reading.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.



Today we learn about multiplying 3-digit by 1-digit numbers:

Additional mathletics tasks have been set to reinforce the multiplication work we are working on.



Today we recap simple, compound and complex sentences with Oak Academy.



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. 

Well done Ollie, Lacey-May for completing a tremendous amount of work on Bug Club today - marvellous efforts, ladies! 



In the lesson I mention laughter yoga. If you are curious to see a group of school children perform a laughter yoga session together - click the link below. It probably seems a bit 'weird' at first but when you join in, it's really hard not to start laughing properly yourself. laugh


And if you want to join in with a bunch of grown-ups laughing and dancing, here's a Bollywood style laughter yoga clip you can try out. Just copy what the adults are doing - don't forget to not just do the movements but the laughing, too! Trust me, once you just join in, it feels very silly and freeing - I dare you to give it a go! I bet you will be laughing and feeling happy. 

Thursday 7th January

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's lessons - I can't wait to see you all for today's zoom 'drop in'. The details were emailed to your parents earlier this week and are the same as on Tuesday. Don't forget to mute your microphones initially.

I will be online from 9.00 to 9.45am, drop in if you can, it would be marvellous to see your dear faces. cheeky



Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths (lesson and mathletics), English, RE, French and of course reading.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.



Today we learn about multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit numbers:

Additional mathletics tasks have been set to reinforce the multiplication work we are working on.



Today we continue understanding complex sentences with Oak Academy. 



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. 

Thank you Mylo, Emilie and Oscar for completing reading on Bug Club - you are brilliant! 



This week's RE lesson kicks off our new unit for the term. We will explore the question:

What kind of world would Jesus want?



We are learning about fruit today - deliceux!

Wednesday 6th January

Good morning all - Miss Richards here.

It feels super bizarre to - once again - be greeting you all via a website and not in person in our lovely Oak classroom. We all miss you dearly and hope you are enjoying the learning we've set you so far. Thank you all SO much for your incredibly kind and generous gifts and cards - I felt so spoiled. heart 

Please come and say 'Hi' in tomorrow's Zoom session, it will be so fab to see your darling faces and I would love to thank you properly then again. 


Today's lessons and tasks:

Maths, English, science, reading, a yoga activity and the usual Mathletics.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.


It's my first time recording PowerPoints, so I do hope I have completed it all correctly and you can hear me alright. It worked on my end but please let me know if you have any issues. mailsmiley



Today we learn about written methods for multiplying: 


Additional mathletics tasks have been set to reinforce the multiplication work we are working on.



Today we explore more complex sentences with Oak Academy.



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. 

A big WELL DONE to the few of you who have logged into Bug Club so far this week. yes



Today we are finishing off our 'states of matter' learning. I am sad we are not able to conduct the project day I had planned with you BUT we will make up for it with lots of fun experiments when we are all back together again. After the lesson (PowerPoint Presentation), you might also like to listen to this song:

Remember to double-check with your parents before going on the internet. laugh



I know lots of you enjoy physical exercise and will like the odd activity break in between all your top knotch learning. On Wednesdays I will always post a link to a Yoga activity to give your minds a rest. Here's today's:


TODAY'S ZOOM!                                                                       05.01.2020

Thank you to everyone who "dropped in ". It was so lovely to see you (and your animals!). It has made me miss you all even more!

I can't wait to see our Oak Band set up with Evie's Karaoke machine, Emmie, Harley and Lilly on pogosticks, Josh on his skateboard, Lacey on her bike and Charlie in his spaceship! Remember to join in again on Thursday at the same time. I have sent a message asking why our session ended so hopefully we will be back to unlimited time on Thursday!


Tuesday 5th January

We hope you found yesterday's learning interesting and enjoyed your work. Today there are 3 lessons, reading, an ICT task and the usual Mathletics' challenges.

Remember you can do these in any order you wish.



We continue problem solving but this time involving multiplication and division.


Two more mathletics tasks have been set to reinforce the multiplication work we have been doing.



Today we revise our knowledge of compound sentences with Oak Academy.



BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes.



Today I would like you to use Scratch to create a Pong Game. Remember all the skills we have learned in class - change the background, use an interesting sprite - can you add a sound effect? The instructions are on the website if you get stuck!



The PE specialists we work with in school have created some at home lessons for us. Have a look and have a go! Video is below!


We are also having our Drop In today at 9am. Remember this is a time to ask any questions or just enjoy seeing everyone again! The Zoom invite was emailed to out yesterday - the log in details will be the same for each of the 4 Drop Ins we plan to do over the next 2 weeks.


Year 3-4DanceLesson 1


PASS, the PE specialist company we work with at school, have created a Personal Challenge for this term. The leaflet attached below explains the challenge - if you wish to take part please try the challenge as soon as possible and record your score - then again in the last week of term. You can then email us your data and we will send over to PASS.

Monday 4th January


Welcome back!

If you haven't already done so, please read the post below from yesterday. We hope it will answer a lot of your questions. The message from us all at West Malling is simply to do your best. We do understand the constraints you may be working under.


Today we are setting 3 "lessons" plus Bug Club / reading time and additional activities. We realise that some activities may appear to need printing but we are more than happy with sentences or maths problems written in books/on paper. The lessons can be done in any order today and a similar number of lessons will be set each day. As always please email us if you have any questions. 

Some lessons will be accessed by a web link and others by a dropbox link.  This is the only way we have found to upload content we have created ourselves. Our website has a limit on the size of upload we are allowed and it is not very big! If you follow the drop box link, find the 3 dots (normally to the right of the screen) and select " download" you will be able to view our powerpoint as usual. Alternatively, depending on the technology you have at home, you may be able to view as a powerpoint online without downloading.  Please make sure your child watches in full screen with the sound up as there is commentary.


Monday 4th Timetable:

Maths - problem solving with + and x (Mathletics accounts have supporting activities)


English - Simple and compound sentences (reinforcement activities will be uploaded below)


Reading Time - Minimum 20 minutes reading time. Bug Club can be used or any books they are enjoying at home


Geography - The start of a brand new topic, Amazing Agriculture!  We will learn all about the types of farming that occur in the UK, the life of a farmer and how farming has affected the landscape as we know it.


Additional Work - Monday 4th January

Sunday 3rd January

Dear Parents 

Oak team would like to start the new year and new term by thanking you all for your wonderful Christmas gifts to us – each and every one was truly wonderful and very much appreciated.  


By now you will know that term 3 will start with remote learning. All Oak Staff have been working hard to create learning opportunities that match what we would have been doing in class. There will be some aspects that are the same as the last time we were all working from home – use of Mathletics and BugClub - but this time we will cover more subjects, have teacher led sessions and offer “drop in” zoom sessions for children to use. Please watch out for your zoom invites which should arrive in your inboxes on Monday 4th. 



We will post a timetable of coverage so you know what to expect each day and can prepare for it accordingly. We suggest the children are ready on Monday to use the exercise books they were sent home with the last lockdown - if you no longer have these then any exercise book or paper will be fine - and have pen, pencil and ruler to hand (if you have them at home). 



We fully appreciate that many of you may have limited access to technology, have no printer, have very few resources at home and may yourselves be working, so we ask that you do what you can with your child. We understand the pressures. If you are finding it hard to keep on top of the learning drop us an email and let us know. Alternatively, we always suggest reading and X tables as an easy, independent task.  We will not set a task that depends on you printing, but if you wish to that is absolutely fine. Some pieces of work will appear in worksheet format but the answers can be written out clearly on paper or typed if preferred.  



Our contact email is 

So that we can prioritise your communication, we ask that if you are emailing us with a question, you put “Question” in the subject line.  

We ask that all work from the week is shared with us on Friday. It would be extremely helpful if work could be sent in one email as this helps us file and organise things. Please put “Work” and your child’s name in the subject line of the email when sending their learning in. Your cooperation with this will really make things a lot easier for us to deal with and we thank you in advance. 



Maths and English 

During these first 2 weeks, where we are working from home, our maths and English lessons will take a slightly different form.

We will be posting daily video lessons from Oak Academy which will continue our work on grammar. The children will need to watch a video lesson and then have access to pen/paper to complete tasks set. There may also be additional tasks posted on our Oak Class website if relevant. Oak teachers will be teaching maths via PowerPoint presentations and the children will need to complete pages from the PowerMaths workbooks – they can simply set the work out in their exercise book or on paper, you could print the pages if you wish or they could annotate the slides. Please ensure the volume is on so that the children can hear us talking them through the lesson.  



Oak class know the high expectations we have of all of them. They know how we value excellent presentation and careful work. We expect all work done to be presented as carefully as they would in class and to also put as much effort and thought into it as they would if they were working in the classroom. We thank you for your support with this. 


Drop Ins 

We will hold twice weekly “Drop Ins” for the children. We will be online between 9am and 9.45am each Tuesday and Thursday. These sessions are for the children to ask any questions they have from the week’s work and for a general chat and catch up. Attendance is not compulsory and if your child chooses not to attend they will not miss anything vital to their learning.  

As with parent evening, children will enter a waiting room and we will let them into the main chat. This will be a group chat and not 1:1 time. When children are admitted into the chat they will be muted and we ask they give us a wave and we will unmute them when they have something to say! 



We ask that you bear with us at this time. We are trying our best to make sure everything runs smoothly and we provide as high quality learning experience as possible during these strange times, however, there may well be hiccups in the early days! 

Let's hope we are back safely in school very soon!

Kate H, Vanessa R and Chris W


Saturday 2nd January

Happy New Year to you all!

This term isn't going to start quite as we planned, however we are all currently working really hard to create clear provision for Oak class which we will share with you as soon as we are able to.

As you can imagine there are many pieces that need to join up to create clear and consistent provision across the school, so watch this space!

Oak Team

Our second Learner of the term is: 



Eve has been impressing us with her unrelenting, eager-to-learn and resilient mindset since day 1. Whether we are working independently, in pairs or teams, Eve works hard to ensure she achieves our learning intentions, as well as aiding others around her to let their light shine. 


A diligent and happy member of Oak Class, Eve sets a marvellous example of positivity and kindness to her class mates. She quietly 'gets on' with whatever task she has been set and always has a bright smile on her face while doing so.


Furthermore, Eve listens carefully to feedback and endeavours to implement any suggested improvement, pushing her work further. We have been particularly impressed with Eve's creative writing skills - her choice of descriptive and ambitious language paints an imaginative picture, ensuring the reader is hooked and keen to read more. 


Eve, you are an all-round superstar and we are utterly thrilled at how you have progressed this term. We hope you are as proud of your efforts as we are. 


Please enjoy this virtual gallery of our mixed media collages, inspired by a scene in 'Tom's Sausage Lion', our Term 2 book. You'll undoubtedly agree that Oak are a class of wonderful artists:

Marvellous Maths News

Congratulations to another successful acorn entering the 100 Club. Wow, what a way to end the term! 

Learner of the Week                                                                       11.12.2020

Our last Learner of the Week in 2020 has worked hard to achieve well in all his learning. This Oak Class member is kind, patient and caring to others around him and tries his best to follow the instructions given. It can be difficult to ask for help but this student is taking on that challenge to push himself to become a resilient, ambitious learner.



Happy Christmas!

Still image for this video

Monday 14th December

We made it!

The last week of the term. It feels like it has been a very long term and we are all VERY ready for a break!


Please remember that Tuesday 15th is our Christmas jumper day AND our school dinner day. If you do not have a Christmas jumper to wear with your school uniform don't worry, wear your school jumper and we'll find you a festive hat to wear.


All the staff from Oak class wish you and your families and very happy, peaceful and healthy Christmas and New Year. We look forward to what 2021 brings us and also to a lot of fun and interesting learning opportunities!

Mrs Hillsdon, Miss Richards & Mr White


Another successful entry into the 100 Club for Oak class! Well done! What a brilliant Christmas present, we are super proud of you.


Monday 7th December

Our penultimate week at school for 2020! 

We are still working hard in Oak class, even though the Christmas decorations are up! We had a lovely time last week making Christmas Wish baubles which we hung on our class Christmas tree. This acts as our class advent calendar and one person a day will be picked to choose a bauble and bring it home as a gift from Oak class.


Please remember to send back your Christmas dinner slips as the kitchen need to know numbers in advance. Tuesday 15th is our Christmas lunch, Christmas jumper / own clothes day AND the ever popular KS2 Christmas bingo!


Please can we ask again that you check your child is warm enough in class and send them in with the appropriate jumper/ cardigans. The classroom can be chilly with the windows and doors open,  perhaps a tshirt or vest under their school tshirt might add another layer. 

Learner of the Week                                                               4.12.2020

This week's Learner of the Week has been quietly impressing us since our very first day back at school. We are bowled over by the consistently high bar she sets to everyone in her learning, behaviour and compassionate attitude. No matter her mood, this student gives 100% to any task, listens to and implements our feedback, as well as always tries her best to calmly aid her fellow Oak pupils. We are very fortunate to have you in our class, 




Never stop dazzling us with your light. 

Monday 30th November

We hope everyone had a lovely weekend, chilly but dry thankfully!

This week we move onto multiplication and division in our maths learning - here is a link to a page with a lot of games that the children may enjoy playing at home to help with their recall.


As the weather gets chillier, so does our classroom - due to the windows needing to stay open. It's not too bad, but the children definitely need a jumper or cardigan and are always welcome to pop their coats or scarves on if they get too cold. 


Have a good week!


Learner of the Week                                                                        27.12.2020     

We are delighted to announce our Learner of the Week is 


Emelia has been working hard all week, taking care to focus and joining in with our tasks right away. Emelia also sets a wonderful example to others with her manners, taking responsibility when she makes mistakes and finding ways to demonstrate her willingness to improve. What wonderful qualities! Well done, Emelia. Keep up the splendid effort. 

Monday 23rd November

It's a chilly start to the week!

Please remember we have to have our windows and doors open so the children really do need their school jumpers! 



Learner of the Week                                                20.11.2020


This week's Learner of the Week has stood out to us all term for his positive, resilient and keen learning attitude.

Congratulations, Joshua       


No matter the task or instruction, Josh is always ready quick as a flash, joining in with the lessons, being a kind and helpful talk partner and an all-around super star! We are so proud of you, Josh! Keep up this exemplary effort! 

Monday 16th November



This week is our Anti Bullying week at school. Every day we will be doing an activity which links to the theme of United Against Bullying. If you would like to find out some more about the Anti Bullying Alliance and what it does there is a link below.


This week's spellings and the Autumn Hunt sheet are attached below. Paper copies will be in school for the children to take home too.




Learner of the week                                                            13.11.2020


Our new learner of the week has thoroughly impressed us with her incredibly mature, calm and resilient attitude in class and on the playground. She tries her best in every subject, listens carefully to feedback, asks questions when she is unsure and is always ready to learn. 



Keep up the marvellous efforts! 

Bug Club

I have updated everyone's Bug Club books - I have also added a book to all of your libraries called Mixed Up Myths which you might like to have a look at!

If you need a reminder about your BugClub login please let us know.


This week's homework

Thank you for all your wonderful emails and books with fabulous autumn photos and pictures! I have looked at them all and am currently in the process of putting them together in a printable document so we can stick them into books and possibly make an autumn collage. 

Please find below a template for a wordsearch for this week's work if you would like one! There are 2 to choose from - a smaller one and a slightly larger one depending on how many apple varieties you find!

Monday 9th November

Week 2 Term 2


It certainly has turned chilly this week! Please make sure your child has a jumper and coat so they are warm in class and on the playground. 

Our PE this term is on MONDAY as we have Mrs Barratt our specialist PE teacher teaching us rugby! The rugby we learn is non contact so please don't worry. Luckily we have the last slot of the day so if we get a bit muddy it's not the end of the world! Top get the most out of our time, this lesson runs almost until our hometime so please bear with us if we are a little late or unorganised when we come out on Mondays!


This week's spellings are below - this week we are looking at -sion words which sound like -zhun

Learner of the week                                   6.11.2020


A huge congratulations to our learner of the week:                                                  Emili                  

Emilie is a kind, caring and thoughtful friend to her classmates, always demonstrating our school value of 'compassion' to those around her. Emilie's enthusiastic approach to all aspects of our learning is marvellous to see and we love hearing her brilliant ideas. Keep it up, Emilie! 

Monday 2nd November

Welcome back! It seemed as if we blinked and the half term was over! It certainly has been a rainy one, i'm keeping my fingers crossed that the rain eases and we have some lovely autumnal sunny days so we can get some fresh air at break times.

We are on the slippery slope to Christmas now - 7 weeks and we'll be there! It will be interesting to see how this term develops with the new systems in place but for now, we carry on as we were.

PE has changed for Oak this term. We will now have PE on a MONDAY afternoon with Mrs Barratt our specialist PE teacher. 

Please find below this week's spellings, Term 2 homework and also Term 2 Newsletter, paper copies will be sent home too.


Happy Half Term! We have worked hard these past weeks and it's been a more challenging first term than ever before. We are proud of Oak Class for settling in well and it's incredibly exciting to see so many letting their light shine. Enjoy the well-deserved rest (as will we). Take care, see you in a week :)

WOWEE! We already have three pupils achieve 'Silver Super Star' status by reaching 50 dojo points - you are brilliant!

Congratulations to our first Learner of the Term:



From the first day of the term, Zac was eager and ready to learn. Not only has he impressed us with his whizzy maths work, but also his proactive, enthusiastic attitude to work hard, share his ideas and join in with all aspects of her learning - even the things he finds challenging! Additionally, Zac listens carefully to his peers and adults, trying his best to implement the advice or feedback given to improve his work further (often independently). 

Moreover, Zac has consistently demonstrated our school values, being a kind, compassionate and modest member of Oak Class. His well-mannered, caring way sets an excellent example to his class mates. 

Keep up the great work, Zac! 

Amazing news for Oak!

This week one of our students completed the 100 club. Not just the 30/60/100 clubs, which in themselves are hugely challenging, but also the Maths Masters which follow the other clubs.  And, not just 1 Maths Master, but ALL of them!

He is the first person in the history of West Malling to do this and we are so proud of his huge achievement. Although a natural mathematician, he has consistently worked incredibly hard to achieve this and we couldn't be happier for him!

Fantastic job, well done from all of us!


Monday 19th October

Week 7


We have finally made it to half term - almost! It's been a fantastic first term back with Oak class, who have really worked with positivity and eagerness. You would never know we had all been away for so long.

(Please note that at times we are having trouble checking our email account - as ever, if anything is urgent please call the office who can pass on a message.)


Last week we tackled some tricky conjunction challenges in pairs. We experimented with using them in the middle of sentences and at the beginning to see which effect we preferred. 


Horrible Histories Special | Black History Month with Strictly's Oti Mabuse | CBBC

We are sure you are aware that October is Black History Month and has been so in the UK since 1987. The Horrible Histories video below gives a fun and musical insight into the lives of a few of the important black role models our world has had.

**warning: contains toilet humour!

More superb homework this week! I was really so impressed by your ideas and your presentation. I have put my orders in for quite a few of these incredible inventions which included a laundry folder, a car toilet  and a lego sorter!

Fabulous work Oak!

Chittering, chattering, jibbering, jabbering sea monkeys galore! We have been working hard to create informative leaflets on these marine mammals (from our book) and today added illustrations and diagrams in the style of Sarah McIntyre (our book's illustrator). Be warned, these crazy critters will destroy anything in their path!

Les chiffres de 1 a 20 (French numbers from 1 to 20)

We greatly enjoyed a boogie to this bop whilst practising our French numbers (1-20) today. Here's the link in case you want to practise some more. C'est fantastique!

Learner of the week                                      16.10.2020

It is our utter delight to announce our new Learner of the Week. This student is always ready to learn, transitions quickly between tasks and works hard to achieve her full potential in all our lessons - even when it's tricky! 

Congratulations, Florence

We are very proud of your mature, humble attitude to learning, Florence. Keep up the wonderful work. 

Monday 12th October

Week 6


We had a great week last week with lots of hard work! Oak class even managed to get their first corridor display completed which  has been praised and commented on by everyone who sees it! (We know there's no ? at the end of the title - that's how the book has it displayed!)

Please find the spellings for this week at the end of our fabulous pictures!

Despite the dreary weather, we managed a great afternoon outside playing some hockey too. Oak have some wonderful, skillful players and everyone showed what great team players they were. 

Your homework continues to be wonderful. So many amazing pieces of research this week. We couldn't believe the range of inventors you chose; from TV to Braille to chocolate to trampolines! All were so interesting!

Our class book 'Oliver and the Seawigs' inspired us to create our own Rambling Isles. Don't they look marvellous?

Learner of the Week                                       9.10.2020


This week's Learner of the Week has been impressing Mrs Hillsdon, Mr White and myself since our first day back to school with his exemplary behaviour, good humour and conscientious attitude to his learning. 

Congratulations, Alfie! 

We are so proud of you, keep up the excellent effort. 

Tuesday 6th October

Pink for a girl!

I had the lovely news today that Miss James has safely delivered a beautiful baby girl.  Lola arrived at 2pm today (just as we were finishing our PE lesson!) and mummy,  baby and daddy are all doing perfectly. 


Monday 5th October

Week 5


I hope you all managed to stay dry this weekend. Where I am, it rained ALL day yesterday! I am keeping my fingers crossed for dry weather for the week so we are able to get outside for PE on Tuesday.

I can't believe there are only 3 weeks left of term 1, the weeks have flown by. The children have settled into our new routines marvellously and it feels as if this is how life always was.


This week you will see there are 2 sets of spellings. We have used these first few weeks to assess the children's spelling and now have split them into 2 key groups. They will both be learning the spelling pattern of the week and both will look at revising some of the key words. The difference is that one group will have 10 spellings and the other 5. Your child will be told which they are to learn (and we always have paper copies in class for them to take home). If you find they are unsure drop us an email and we can let you know.  We call our groups Fivers and Tenners  - you'll see these names on the spelling sheets too.

This split is so we can really focus on solid understanding and more importantly, the children retain the spellings they learn. Thank you for your ongoing support helping your child learn these words.


This week in history...

...well not really this week,  and not actually last week,  but the week before!

I wanted to update you on Miss James' pregnancy.  She is currently 11 days  past her due date and no sign of baby making any attempt to come and meet us yet! We are in touch regularly, (mainly me texting her and asking if baby has arrived and her replying patiently, no), and I will let you know as soon as there is any news.  You will hear it here first!

Learner of the Week                                   2.10.2020

Congratulations to our Learner of the Week:


Hattie has been showing a lot of care and respect to others and our school environment, proactively tidying up or helping classmates. Hattie also worked hard to create a very effective diary entry, writing as our main character from Oliver and the Seawigs. Keep up the fantastic work, Hattie.

Admire our marvellous Christmas card creations! We had a splendid time making them.

More Marvellous Homework!

Monday 28th September

Week 4


The weather certainly has taken a turn for the worse now autumn is officially here! Please make sure children have jumpers or cardigans to wear in school as it is bound to be chillier than usual in class. Also please make sure they have a coat as we will try our best to get outside, even if it is a little drizzly.


Remember we have no PE on Tuesday this week as it is school photo day, please make sure your child is in normal uniform. Thank you!


This week in history!

On September 27th in 1825 The world’s first public railway service began with the opening of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Built by George Stephenson, the track was 27 miles long, and the steam locomotive Active pulled 32 passenger wagons at 10 miles per hour. An average train today travels at around 65mph.

Learner of the Week                   25.9.2020

Congratulations to this week's Learner of the Week 


Grace always tackles her learning with positive enthusiasm, sharing her ideas in whole class discussions and isn't afraid to check what something means. Your positive learning attitude is just marvellous, Grace. Keep up the great work! 

This week's science lesson saw us recreating the digestive process using a visual model - it got pretty messy!

Please can you make sure your child has a jumper or cardigan and a coat, when necessary, at school.

We are following government guidelines so all our windows and doors have to stay open.  Even on warm days we have had several children shivering.  We are afraid it will be like this for the foreseeable future, so envisage layering up this winter!

At the end of day collection,  we often find ourselves outside for quite a while and without a coat it has begun to be quite chilly.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding. 

Amazing homework this week Oak!

Well done! 

Your posters were colourful, clear and well thought out.  Here are some photos of just a few of your fantastic designs. 

Monday 21st September

Week 3


This term seems to be flying by already! Our work continues this week with lots of fun learning opportunities including writing and improving complex sentences and also looking at the time line of the Ancient Greek civilisation and how the Greek empire has changed over time.


Please find below this week's spellings. You may notice that some weeks we learn a new spelling pattern but also revisit some of the past words we have learned. 


Your child should come home with a slip of paper on Mondays telling you how they did in their maths clubs (30/60/100/masters). We are sure they will remember to tell you but we will try to remember this in case they don't!


This week in history!

Michael Faraday was born in 1791. He was such an important scientist - watch this video and think about all the things we would have to do without if he hadn't made his discoveries!




Michael Faraday and the Electric Spark


Learner of the Week                   18.9.2020


Congratulations to our second Learner of the Week this term:      William

William has been working hard in all aspects of our

learning, joining in with class discussions and is always ready to learn. Keep up the great work, William!

Monday 14th September  Week 2


Please find below this week's spelling sheet. The children will be given one to bring home - if you do not need/want a paper copy please let your child know and they can tell us when we hand them out.


This week we carry on with our hockey lessons and learn more about the people of Ancient Greece. 

Remember if you have any quick questions you can email us on . If it is an urgent message, please contact the office.


Friday 11th September


What a great first full week back. Well done Oak! We have really settled into learning and are mostly into our new routines.


We are still waiting for homework books to be delivered, so they will be sent home as soon as they are!


Our first ever Oak 2020 Learner of the Week is...




Most of Oak worked super hard, as we expected, so it was hard to choose just one person this week. Lilly stood out as always being ready to learn, always listening, always taking part in class discussions, always doing what was asked of her and being a general all round superstar!


Keep up the super work and we will see you next week.

Monday 7th September


Our first full week! 

We are sure there will be lots of questions you all have and we have tried really hard to preempt all these in our newsletter which you will find below. 

You will also find a copy of our termly homework and we will put our weekly spellings on this page too. Please let us know at drop off or by calling the office if you would prefer a paper copy and we will send one home in your child's school bag. 

A note about our spellings: We follow the government guidance for y4 spelling patterns and also our school Read Write Inc. scheme. All the children start the year learning the same spellings although after a few weeks we will assess this and be able to target key words certain children need to focus on.


Have a great week and check back regularly as this will be our best place to communicate with you all!

Oak Class Homework Term 1

September 1st 2020

Hello Oak!

Welcome to our webpage. Keep your eye on here throughout the year for useful weblinks, videos and news. We also celebrate your successes here and share our work so come back regularly!


To start us off, below you will find a few links to multiplication games that will be useful as we all need to know all our X tables by the end of the year! We need to practise, practise, practise!


Something fun to start the year...



HOW TO Say Hello in 15 Different Languages
