Thursday 25th February
Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday!
It was wonderful to see so many of you in our Zoom lesson yesterday. Whether you joined or not, I hope your research projects on an engineer of your choosing are going well - I am looking forward to seeing the end results. Please remember to send your work in to us before by Friday afternoon.
Today's lessons and tasks:
Maths, English, reading and French.
Remember you can do these in any order you wish.
Today you are building a scientific word bank to describe healthy snacks:
BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. Remember to let us know if you need a reminder of your Bug Club logins.
Here are the answers to yesterday's lesson:
Today is the second Power Maths lesson on fractions:
We begin our new unit for the term today: 'Where in the world?'
The first lesson is about Le Royaume-Uni (the United Kingdom):