School Inspection
As a Church of England Primary School, West Malling CE Primary School and The McGinty Speech and Language SRP is subject to two inspection regimes - Ofsted and SIAMS.
West Malling CE Primary School and The McGinty Speech and Language SRP was inspected on 24th and 25th January 2023. This was a full inspection, meaning that the school was graded in the areas of quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision, together with a grade for overall effectiveness. We were delighted that the school was graded 'Good' in all areas.
The inspection team found that "pupils are happy and thrive in this caring school. Children develop very positive friendships with one another." We "provide a well-sequenced and ambitious curriculum" where teachers "make effective use of their time in class."
The full report is available below.
SIAMS - Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools
SIAMS is focused on exploring one central question: "How effective is the school's distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?"
This question is then explored through seven strands:
West Malling CE Primary School and The McGinty Speech and Language SRP was last inspected on 9th March 2022 where we achieved an overall grade of "Good". The inspector found that "the Christian vision is woven through school life so that the community actively embrace inclusion and flourishing. As a result, pupils express their thoughts and act with certainty."