Curriculum Newsletter: Term 1
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Oak Class! We hope you all had a wonderful summer break and enjoyed all the wonderful sunshine that we had.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to us or email on . Although we attempt to check our emails regularly, during the day this may not be possible, so if you have an emergency or require a prompt response please contact the office. As a reminder Mrs Excell will teach our class everyday apart from Tuesday, when Mrs Hillsdon will be teaching.
Home Learning:
Reading –As part of the RALF initiative, children should read EVERY day. Please complete the reading record at the back of your child’s home learning book and bring them in on Wednesday where they will be checked. Every time your child reads, they will earn points towards their RALF certificates.
Maths – Please use Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars regularly; the log in details can be found in the front cover of your child’s home learning book. Times tables are incredibly important, and it is essential that all children practise these daily. Year 4 take part in a government test each May where they are expected to recall all multiplication tables up to 12x12.
Spellings – Children will have spellings sent home weekly which will then be tested in school each week. The spelling test will be on Wednesdays.
Weekly homework – This will be set at the beginning of each term. We hope that they are fun and interesting activities that will develop the children as learners and allow you both to engage in learning experiences together. This homework will come home on Friday and we ask for it to be returned on Wednesday for marking.
Useful Reminders
PE - PE will be on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that stud earrings are removed on PE days and that long hair is tied back. PE kit should be worn only on these days (black jogging bottoms or shorts and a plain white t-shirt/polo shirt or school PE shirt and school jumper or school PE hoodie).
Snacks - Please remember that in KS2 children are no longer provided with a snack for break time. Please make sure your child has a piece of fruit or vegetable.
Website/school Facebook page- Please continue to check Oak class’s website page and the school’s Facebook page for useful updates, links to educational resources and to find out what we have been learning about.
Important dates:
Monday 9th and Wednesday 11th October parents’ evening – more information to follow.
We look forward to a positive term in Oak Class!
Mrs Excell, Mrs Hillsdon, Mrs Lansdown, Mrs Colley and Mrs Cowling