
West Malling CE Primary School

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West Malling CE Primary School

– and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

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Each day you need to do:
  1. Handwriting practice (5 mins)
  2. Spelling - watch video and write words taught (10 mins)
  3. English Oak Academy Lesson (20 mins) 
  4. Reading (20 mins)

If you have time you may like to do:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. BBC games

Friday 4th March

No English task today- instead get stuck into a good book or finish off any book day activities you didn’t manage to complete. laugh

Thursday 3rd March It's WORLD BOOK DAY!

Complete all of the reading challenges to be in with the chance to win one of Mrs Woodhouse's book-tastic prizes! Email pictures of you completing each challenge so we can add them to each class page. 

Don't forget to bring your favourite book you have read along to our Zoom session along with any book day activities you can completed. 

Wednesday 3rd March

There are 2 videos to watch today, this will complete the writing part of your Lockdown learning. laugh

We will plan our writing in this lesson by using a step plan. We will carefully consider the sequencing of our explanations. We will complete a shared write for our gliding paragraph.

In this lesson we write our final paragraph about steering. After we have edited our writing we will perform our explanation text.

Tuesday 2nd March

We will use our boxing up plan that we created in lesson 6 to write the introduction and flapping paragraphs of our explanation.

Monday 1st March

We will read some explanations about dragons flying. We will use our explanation toolkit to 'read as a writer' and identify explanation features.

Friday 26th February

We will be creating our own flying fantastical character.

I can’t wait to see your imaginative and creative work.

We will then box up our explanations of how they fly.

Thursday 25th February

In this lesson we will read deeper explanations of how birds flap, glide and steer. We will then use three different methods to help us to develop our summarising skills.

Fantastic work from this week

Wednesday 24th February

You have 2 videos to watch and complete today.... don't worry, they aren't very long!

1) In this lesson we will learn about the relationship between cause and effect relationships when a bird flaps, glides and steers.

2) We will explore the role of subordinating conjunctions. We will then craft sentences using when, it, that, and because. We will finish by considering the position of subordinating conjunctions in a sentence.

Tuesday 23rd February

We will begin the lesson by exploring comprehension statements and explaining if they are true or false. We will then practise telling the explanation. We will create a flowchart to help us to remember the different stages of flight.

Monday 22nd February

Our new English unit is How birds fly. I know you are all going to love it!

Today we will hear an explanation about how birds fly. We will then map out then step out our explanation to help us to understand the sequence and to start learning the structure.

Try this quiz to test your knowledge on nouns, adjectives and verbs. Enter your name to begin and I will check on Friday to see your scores. 

Select which word class the word in bold belongs to. (Adults, no helping please, I would like to see what the children can remember)

Using if and when.

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A recap on the word classes we know

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A recap on suffixes and plurals

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Please watch these videos to recap your learning from our Zoom lessons.

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