Commemorating His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
May we invite you to join us in remembering His Royal Highness in prayer, perhaps using these words:
Blessed Jesus,
Lord of Lords and King of Kings,
we give you thanks
for the life of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
For the grace and mercy
he received from you,
for his faithful love and support
of Her Majesty, The Queen,
and his service to this nation
at home and abroad.
Enfold him in your everlasting arms
grant him rest
and raise him up at the last
in the company of the saints in light.
We remember, too, the Royal Family in their bereavement.
O God, our sovereign and shepherd,
who brought again your son, Jesus Christ,
from the valley of death,
comfort, we pray,
The Queen and all the Royal Family
with your protecting presence.
Fill them with your Holy Spirit;
and with your heavenly peace;
and bring them at the last
to your everlasting kingdom;
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Monday 8th March 2021
Today sees us reopen school to everybody for the first time since Christmas, which is music to the ears of all of us. I hope that you have found the timetable, videos and worship links posted here useful during the time we have been learning remotely. From today, while we can still not come together in the hall in person, we shall be reverting to the same pattern of worship in school that we followed between September and December, using Microsoft Teams.
I shall see you all shortly as we begin a series of worships linked to Fairtrade Fortnight.
January 2021 - Lockdown Worship
Now that we are back in lockdown with very few children in school it is important we find ways to enable us to come together, pause our hectic lives for a few moments to enable us to ponder and reflect, and foster a sense of community. Each week there will be two opportunities to be led in worship. On Mondays Mr Rye will lead a virtual whole school worship at 10:30am on Zoom. Anyone from our school community is welcome to join this worship and the links have been sent out to everyone by ParentMail. If you wish to join the worship but have lost the links then please email your teacher on the class email address and they will be able to resend them. For safeguarding reasons please do not share these meeting details with anyone outside of our school community.
Reverend Green will pre-record an act of worship which will be uploaded to this page every Thursday morning. You may watch this video at any point from Thursday onwards. As the worships are planned sequentially you may wish to watch Reverend Green's video before joining the whole school worship on the following Monday.
We have checked these videos are appropriate for children. Nevertheless, to avoid opening You Tube, click on the red play arrow and watch the video staying inside the school website.
Monday 1st March - Mr Rye (via Zoom at 10:30am)
Lent: Land and Plants (Genesis 1:9-13) and Lent: Creatures of Sea and Sky (Genesis 1:20-23)
Monday 22nd February - Mr Rye (via Zoom at 10:30am)
Lent: Light and Energy (Genesis 1:1-3)
Worship for Primary Schools - Racial Injustice
If you would like to try something a little different for Worship during the current lockdown, why not have a look at the link below. The Church of England have produced a series called Faith at Home which is well worth exploring. The episode I have linked to below looks at the importance of our behaviour towards others.
Friday 12th February - Mr Rye (via Zoom at 10:30am)
End of Term Worship and the Learners of Term 3
Monday 8th February - Mr Rye (via Zoom at 10:30am)
What is the good news (Gospel) that Jesus brings? The story of the woman at the well (John 4:1-26).
Monday 1st February - Mr Rye (via Zoom at 10:30am)
What is the good news (Gospel) that Jesus brings? The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Monday 25th January - Mr Rye (via Zoom at 10:30am)
The Gospel of Luke - The Story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
Monday 18th January - Mr Rye (via Zoom at 10:30am)
The Gospel of Matthew - The Story of Simon (Matthew 16:16)
Thought for the Day from The Family Trust
The Family Trust is a Christian charity that we have worked alongside for many years. For each of the six terms within the school year they come into school and present a new and interactive Christian act of worship. To support schools and families amongst this busy and different time they have produced a new resource called 'Thought for the Day'. These are a series of 15-20 minute video workshop sessions that provide a space for reflection and stillness.
The series is based on the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Each video will include relaxation exercises, a thought for the day, a mixture of activities and some breathing exercises.
These 'Thought for the Day' sessions can be viewed on The Family Trust website from 7:00am every Tuesday and Thursday, starting on 19th January. Each video also has an optional worksheet that children can use to follow along.