
West Malling CE Primary School

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West Malling CE Primary School

– and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

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Year 4 Oak

Thursday 4th July Today we made torches.

Today we transferred our sunflowers to bigger pots as they have grown much taller.

Field of Gold and Great Idea Swap

We planted sunflowers

We wrote our ideas how to be greener and swapped them with our friends.

We investigated how a simple switch works.

Oak Class enjoying cricket

Wednesday 12th June How can we light a bulb using a simple, series circuit?

Friday 24th November 2023

Please see below the activities for today’s learning.



Please read to an adult or sibling.



Please write a letter to the school council asking them to improve something in school.




Buy new playground equipment for playtimes and lunchtimes.

More books for the library.

New computers in the ICT suite.

To introduce a new club.


Remember to include:


Who are you writing the letter to? Dear


Why are you writing the letter? I am writing to you to share


What is your first reason?  Firstly, I think


What is your second reason? Secondly, it is important


What is your third reason? Furthermore, it is my belief


Your fourth paragraph should summarise your ideas.  In conclusion,


Your final paragraph should ask to hear from them soon.   I hope you will consider my suggestions and that I receive a response soon.


Finish with Yours Sincerely and your name


I look forward to reading your letters on Monday.



Please click on the link, select addition and subtraction and choose one of the videos from the list below to watch and answer any questions asked.


Efficient subtraction

Estimate Answers

Checking strategies



Please watch the video and complete the quiz at the end.



Go outside and play if you have permission.


Or choose an activity from the link below.


I hope you have a great day and I look forward to seeing you on Monday or at the Christmas fair tomorrow!

Term 2 Week 2 Podcast

Term 2 Week 1 Podcast

Wednesday 18th October


This week we have written diary entries about a horse fair linked to our class book:Yokki and the Parno Gry. Everyone has written an excellent diary entry. They have written in first person and past tense consistently.


In Maths we have continued to add two 4 digit numbers practising exchanging.


Phil from The Dog Trust visited our class and told us how to be safe around dogs.


Chloe remembers that he said, ‘Never touch a dog’s nose because it could be harmful.’


In science we investigated which material: a paper cup or plastic cup was the most effective for making a string telephone.


We know that when you talk into the cup your voice sends sound  waves inside the cup,  vibrating the bottom of the cup. The vibrations are  transferred to the string, across the string and into the bottom of the other cup. The sound waves become vibrations inside the second cup, transferring the sound of your voice.                                   


We found out that the paper cup was the most effective because it was a harder material so the sound was amplified and therefore louder.






Friday 13th October


Monday and Tuesday the pupils enjoyed creating 3D pictures using pencil and charcoal.  They used techniques that included blending and shading to create different tones.  


We have moved onto addition and subtraction in Maths, where pupils are learning to exchange.


In English, we have been preparing to write a diary.  Today the pupils started planning their diary entries thinking about the vocabulary and sentence openers that they will use.  After reading their plans, I am really looking forward to reading their finished piece of writing next week.

Friday 29th September


This week we have written harvest poems and performed them to the class.  These were very good and all children performed confidently. 


In Maths we have continued with our place value unit, where we have learnt to compare numbers.  


During ICT pupils learnt how to download sounds from 'free sound' and decided which ones they would like to use for their podcasts.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Friday 22nd September


This week the children have written stories and they have revised rounding numbers to 10, 100 and 1000.  They have also enjoyed the enrichment activities this week which included, dance, construction, art and cooking.


We hope you have a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Enrichment week

Friday 15th September 


We have had a brilliant week.  The pupils have written some fantastic sentences about the seasons in English.


Here are some examples.


She joyfully narrated the summer, with its bright sun and chirping birds.


Written by Henry-James


Then came the autumn, where the pretty leaves covered the floor in red, orange and yellow.


Written by Michael 


Then she described the winter, which was her least favourite season, when the snow gently twirled and swirled to the ground.


Written by Lance


Lily described the arrival of spring, creating an image in their minds of blossom blooming and trees growing back their wonderful leaves.


Written by Sienna


She described the peaceful snowy mountains where the trees stood proud and tall wearing sparkling coats of frost.


Written by William


They have also continued to work hard in Maths.  They have been able to partition 4 digit numbers flexibly, find 10, 100 and 1000 more and less and work out how many 100s, 10s and 1s are in a number.


Please remember homework should be handed in on Wednesday.  This is so we can mark their work and give them the new spellings.


The children have worked very hard and we hope you all have a lovely restful weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.



Welcome to Oak Class.


We have had a fantastic first week back! All of the children have worked very hard!  


As the term goes on we will upload your children's work and photographs to celebrate their learning in class.


Please click on the pages above (pictures) and then term 1 where you will find a copy of our newsletter, spellings for week 1, this week's multiplication focus and home learning for the term.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.


