
West Malling CE Primary School

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West Malling CE Primary School

– and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

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Sports Day 2023!

KD Greaves author visit

Cherry trip to Manor Park

We had a fantastic day out at Herstmonceaux Observatory with lots of fun-filled activities! We explored the science corridor and discovery park; built a bridge; saw ginormous fish in the pond; launched rockets; found out how to sit comfortably on a chair of nails; and a watched teacher being turned into a sandwich in the science show about forces!


Welcome back to Term 4!


We hope you have had a lovely half term and are welcoming the lighter mornings, lighter evenings and signs of spring!


We have an exciting term ahead with author of 'Rapunzel', Beth Woolvin, leading an online session, Book Week, Comic Relief and Easter.


Please do look on the Cherry Class page for pictures of the Year 1 and 2 'African Adventure' Day and video of the Cherry Class assembly.


Highlights of West Malling Christmas Service 2022

Uploaded by West Malling CE Primary on 2022-12-16.

Snow Day Fun!

KS1 visited St. Mary's Church to find out about it's history for our topic 'Where We Live'.

The story of Rapunzel by Poppy Class

Poppy have been retelling the traditional story of Rapunzel!

Welcome back to Term 2!


We look forward to getting underway with all our new learning (please see Curriculum Map below) and will be busy practising in preparation for our Nativity Performances next month.

Learner of Term 1


Congratulations to Jack Hopkins who is Learner of Term 1 in Poppy Class!

Welcome to the Autumn Harvest Performance

Still image for this video
Cherry class were fantastic performing their harvest song in church today.

Year 2 have been creating micro-habitats in a bottle to explore the living things that might take shelter in them!

In Poppy Class, we are practising our 'curly caterpillar' handwriting family to form and orient letters correctly; to try to keep their size consistent; and keep them sitting nicely on the line.

Handwriting Families

Welcome to Poppy Class! 


We hope you had an enjoyable summer and are ready for the new school year. We are looking forward to an amazing year!

If you ever have any questions, please do come and speak to us or via the class email or by writing in the reading record books.


PE will be on Monday and children need to come to school in their PE kits. Earrings need to be taken out or covered at home.  Please ensure that any clothing and belongings brought into school are clearly labelled including water bottles, lunch boxes, book bags, all items in their PE kit, school uniform and coats. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school every day that only contains water. Fruit is provided each day for playtime but children are welcome to bring in their own piece of fruit or vegetable for their snack. 


Home learning will be set next week and is to be completed throughout the term.  It is due on Monday 17th October. Each day children are expected to do a short reading and maths activity at home. This can include practising the Precision Teaching reading words, Mathletics and BugClub.  It is vital to practise these key skills every day to help your child to make good progress. Please record any reading in their Reading Records so that your child can earn their certificates and prizes!


Meet the teacher – Tuesday 13th & Wednesday 14th September at 2:30.

Please do come along to one of the meetings next week where you can find out more about life in Lime (Year 1) or Cherry (Year 2) classes where your child will be including in main school for some of their learning.


Thank you for your support and we look forward to a great year ahead. Don’t forget to check our class page on the school website.


Mrs Ogden, Mrs Mac, Miss Skelly and Mrs Hook

Supporting Speech Sound Production

Key Words and Activity Ideas for Reading and Spelling (Precision Teaching)


