Wednesday 24th February
Good morning everyone! Happy Wednesday!
How excited are you all to be coming back to school soon? I CANNOT WAIT!
You may have been aware of this already, but it's actually Engineering Week currently. Naturally, our science task will be linked to engineers, so we can celebrate this wonderfully ingenious pathway of science in more detail.
Please join us for a short Zoom call this morning at 10.00 am where we will discuss today's engineering-related task. If you cannot make it, please do not worry. I have covered all relevant information in your pre-recored Power Point lesson below. Mrs Hillsdon emailed information about the Zoom calls for this week to your parents earlier this week. Please make sure you use the most up-to-date login details. I hope to see you all there!
Today's lessons and tasks:
Maths, English, reading and science.
Remember you can do these in any order you wish.
Today you're exploring prepositions, which are incredibly useful in our writing:
BugClub or your own book choice for at least 20 minutes. Remember to let us know if you need a reminder of your Bug Club logins.
I hope the last two days of 'warming up' have helped you feel ready to tackle fractions in a proper lesson. Today we begin the first Power Maths lesson on fractions:
As it is National Engineering Week, we are going to spend some time exploring this area of science by researching famous engineers (modern and old):