
West Malling CE Primary School

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West Malling CE Primary School

โ€“ and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shineโ€, Matthew 5. 16

Content Slideshow

Music, Computing, Art

World Book Day Rap

Coordination Funk- a music lesson to get you moving! 

Here is the link to  full version of the Jack and the Beanstalk clip for anyone who would like to watch.


How does music make you feel?

Music can make you feel different emotions. Some songs make you feel happy or excited, while others make you feel sad or scared.

Listening to a happy piece of music can be a good way of cheering you up when you are feeling sad!

I have attached the PowerPoint as a PDF too just in case. Don't forget to click on the links to hear the music. There are some links which will take you to YouTube so complete with an adult. 

Computing- You will need to download the free ScratchJr app

In ScratchJr you can learn important new skills as you program your own interactive stories and games.

By snapping together graphical programming blocks, children can make characters move, jump, dance, and sing. In the process, children learn to solve problems and design projects.

Can you remember what each of the coloured blocks do? Do you remember when we made our own space scenes.

Take a look at what we have been doing at home!

Rob Biddulph is an author/illustrator who has created some great drawing videos. You may recognise some of his books from school. Something some of the budding artists in our class might enjoy. Send in your photos and I will add them below.

Sonic the Hedgehog


Football Panda


Mrs Cripps has created you a wonderful virtual Music Classroom!

Music in Nature
