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West Malling CE Primary School

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"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

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Term 3 History


In History we will be starting our new topic; Ancient Egypt! This is a really exciting topic and something that I think you will all enjoy. This page will be updated on a Tuesday evening ready for you to access the work on a Wednesday.

History Lesson 6 - Wednesday 10th February 2021

There is no History lesson video to watch today. What I would like you to do is conduct some research into Death Masks. When we go back to school in our DT unit we will be designing our own Death Masks. 


Use this link to help you: 

Print this template to design onto if you wish

History Lesson 5 - Wednesday 3rd February

Still image for this video
Lesson 5 is all about the mummification process. please watch the video above and then have a go at the worksheet. If you would like to fill in the worksheet online then please do, if not please print off the sheet.

How an Ancient Egyptian Mummy was Made

Please watch this video if you would like more information about the mummification process.

(This video at the time of upload onto the class page has been checked to make sure it is suitable for use in school. To remain in the school site please just press the red play button in the middle of the video)

If you would like to use the online sheet please do, if you don't know how to use it have a look on the maths page as there is an example on there showing you how to access it. 








History Lesson 4 - Wednesday 27th January 2021

In today's lesson you will hear a story about the ancient Egyptian gods and goddess. Once you have watched the video have a go at making your own fact file for your chosen god/goddess. I have created a template for you to use if you'd like to and a PDF with useful information to help you with your fact file. Mrs Fuller and I can't wait to see your creations!

Lesson 4

Still image for this video

History Lesson 3

In today's lesson you will be learning all about how the ancient Egyptians changed over time. I am so pleased with how you are all engaging with this topic and some children also doing extra research into the topic! Please watch the video below and then have a go at the worksheet.

Lesson 3

Still image for this video

History - lesson 2

In today’s lesson you will be learning about how the ancient Egyptians lived! How exciting! First, you need to watch the video below and then have a go at the worksheet underneath. You can rewatch the video to help you with the worksheet. I look forward to seeing all your excellent work. 

How did the ancient Egyptians live?

Still image for this video

Lesson 2 - worksheet - How did the ancient Egyptians live?

History Lesson 1

Linked below is the first lesson for our new History Topic...Ancient Egypt! 

Once you have watched the video please have a go at the worksheet below.



Ancient Egypt - Howard Carter gets a big surprise!

Still image for this video
Lesson 1