Young Worship Leaders
The Young Worship Leaders meet fortnightly with Mr Rye to reflect on the visibility and implementation of the school vision and values through the school. Two children from each of the mainstream KS2 classes, together with one representative from Daisy Class in the McGinty Speech and Language Centre make up the group.
The Young Worship Leaders lead collective worship once a term and the aim is to increase this frequency as the year progresses.
Earlier this year we wrote 'Gather' and 'Send' prayers that we use in our collective worship. We are now learning how to sign these prayers to ensure they are as inclusive as we can make them.
Currently the group are working together to redesign the central prayer and reflection area in the school library. The aim is to refresh the space, together with making it easier for children to use. The group will present their ideas to the rest of the school in a worship before Easter where they will also ask each class to contribute artwork to the final area.