Welcome back to Term 2!
We are so impressed how well the children have come back and are ready for a new exciting term of learning ahead. This term our learning takes on a journey as Chestnut Class have chosen to learn about things 'on the move', including different types of transport. Our journey has already begun with the story 'The Train Ride' and planning is underway to transform the role play into a train station. Later in the term we will venture out on our own journey to Maidstone museum on the train. We can't wait!
Please see below the curriculum map with an overview of learning for this term.
What a fabulous first term in Chestnut Class! The children have enjoyed learning about themselves, Harvest, their first sounds and exploring the composition of numbers to 5. We were so impressed with their story retelling of the stories ‘So much’ and ‘The Little Red Hen’. Our term ended with a range of activities linked to the story ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ which definitely engaged and captured the children's imagination.
We can’t wait for more exciting learning next term!
Welcome to West Malling!
It was lovely welcoming the children into Chestnut Class. We have been so impressed how they have settled and started making early friendships. They have done brilliantly coping with the addition of lunchtimes and then this week the full days. Well done everyone!
Please see below just a few highlights from the first two weeks and curriculum information for the term ahead.