Term 3
Happy New Year!
We hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas break and are ready for the new term. Thank you once again for our lovely gifts.
Please make sure that all clothes, coats, hats and scarves are labelled as we wrap up in the cold weather!
Dates for the diary
Friday 17th January- Own Clothes Day - bring in an 'unwanted' Christmas gift
Monday 27th January- Parent Consultations
Tuesday 28th January- Parent Consultations
Friday 7th February- PTA Quiz Night
Tuesday 11th February- Safer Internet Day
Wednesday 12th February- End of Term Church Service
Friday 14th February- Silly Socks Day in aid of 'Slideaway' Charity, which supports children through bereavement.
Poppy Class have had fun learning a Ghanaian call and response song, 'Che che kule'. They have enjoyed it so much, they have asked me to put it on the class page, so here it is!