
West Malling CE Primary School

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West Malling CE Primary School

– and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

Content Slideshow

Year 3 Mulberry

Welcome to Year 3!

Important Dates

Friday 17th January

Non-school uniform day. Please bring any unwanted Christmas gifts.


Monday 20th January

School Clubs Start


Tuesday 21st January

Choir to 02 Young Voices


Friday 7th February

PTFA Quiz Night


Friday 14th February

Silly Socks Day for Slideaway Charity 

Last day of term



Monday 9th December

Flu Vaccinations 


Wednesday 11th December

Please bring a named small tub with lid for coleslaw to be put in on 11.12.24 (Wednesday)


Friday 13th December

Key Stage 2 Disco


Wednesday 18th December

End of term service at church

Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Lunch


