Tuesday 8th June
Welcome back to your final term at West Malling School. We have lots of exciting things planned for this term and will aim to keep you updated with events and news on here, our class web page.
Production update:
We have begun rehearsals in earnest today for our end of year production and are delighted at how well children are beginning to learn their lines. If you have any questions about costumes etc. please don't hesitate to email me and I will attempt to answer promptly.
email update:
Unfortunately our email system is not currently working and we (along with many other schools) have not been able to send or receive emails for the last week. I apologise if you are waiting for a reply, we are hoping that this issue will be fixed in the next few days. In the meantime, please speak to me on the playground or call the school office and I will get back to you ASAP.
Friday 5th March
We have made it through lockdown and survived to tell the tale!
We are looking forward to seeing you all, bright and early, on Monday morning. Please remember to bring all your school books back with you - even the ones that you have finished.
In all the excitement this morning, I forgot to announce our Learner of the Week. You have all been superstars throughout our online learning and this week it was particularly hard to single one person out. So, we have chosen three people who we feel have gone above and beyond their normal excellence. These three have all worked consistently hard but also prepared, rehearsed and recorded a story for World Book Day that other children could watch and listen to - they are still available to watch below. Congratulations and well done - we know how difficult it is to record yourself doing this.
Congratulations to our
End of Lockdown Quiz winners!
Thursday 4th March
Some children in Ash class though you might
like to listen to a favourite story read by them.
Choose one of the links below - or you could
listen to them all if you like.
We have checked these videos are appropriate for children. Nevertheless, to avoid opening You Tube, click on the red play arrow and watch the video staying inside the school website.
Tuesday 2nd March
Well done to our winner of this afternoon's
Scavenger Hunt!
Monday 1st March
Good morning Ash class - I hope you are all ready for our final week of online learning. You should have received your timetables for the week ahead with everything you need to do to be ready to return to school on Monday 8th March - just one week away! Can you tell that I am excited? We can't wait to see you all in person again.
Please remember to have your letters ready for our zoom tomorrow
morning as we will be rehearsing for some of our first lesson
then recording during English.
If you have any questions about this week,
please email me at
Friday 26th February
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week this
week for hard work and dedication in all
her learning as well as her perseverance and resilience throughout lockdown learning!
Monday 22nd February
We hope you have all managed to have a bit of a rest over half term and enjoyed the sunshine this weekend.
Here we are again, back to some home learning but hopefully only for a couple of weeks this time. You should have all received the email with details of the learning for this week - if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email at
Friday 12th February
Good morning Ash - well done for making it to the
last day of the term!
Please go to the maths page to find the two end of unit assessments that need to be completed and submitted today and don't forget to email me your winter poems.
Have a great half term and enjoy the snow while it lasts!
Congratulations to the winning team of
Mrs Lyall's End of Term Quiz!
Thursday 11th February
Mrs Lyall's End of Term Quiz!
Monday 8th February
We have almost made it to the end of term 3 - just a few days to go! I hope you have all enjoyed some time playing in the snow this weekend - I would love to see some photos of your snowy creations!
You should all have received your timetable for this week - there are one or two changes you need to be aware of. On Friday, there will be no live lessons and on Thursday, we will have an end of term quiz in the afternoon catch-up session. If you haven't been to an afternoon session before, you may like to join us for this - you never know, you may even be part of the winning team!
As always, please use the class email if you have any questions.
Friday 5th February
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for some excellent writing - well done and keep up the excellent work.
Monday 1st February
Good morning all, here we are in week 5 of lockdown learning. I hope you have all had a good weekend and are ready for the week ahead.
This week's timetable has been emailed to you so please look out for it and email if you have any questions.
The links below have all been updated with the relevant work and resources for the week ahead.
Friday 29th January
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for your
focus, hard work and consistent participation
during lessons - well done and keep up the excellent work.
Monday 25th January
Good morning all, well done to all of you for your hard work and participation in our zoom lessons. We are now half way through term 3 and still going strong!
This week's timetable and information letter has been emailed to you so keep a look out for it and please email if you have any questions.
We have a further addition to the timetable this week as we are introducing some afternoon intervention sessions with a maths or English focus - please see the emailed letter for more details of this.
Sunday 24th January
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for your
focus, hard work and consistent participation
during lessons.
Friday 15th January
Well done everyone for successfully completing our second week of lockdown learning and zoom lessons. We appreciate how tiring and intense the lessons are but you all continue to impress us with your dedication and hard work - well done!
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for your focus, hard work and consistent participation during lessons.
Monday 11th January
Welcome back to another week of online teaching and learning.
You should have all received an emailed letter detailing the sessions for this week, the pass codes and a suggested timetable for activities. As last week, those sessions in green cannot be changed as they are all live lessons but the ones in yellow can be completed as and when they fit in with yourselves.
You will notice some additions to this week's subjects which include music and PE - I do hope to see as many of you as possible in the Friday afternoon PE session!
Friday 8th January
Congratulations to our
Learner of the Week
for excellence during zoom lessons.
Well done for being ready and prepared to learn, for contributing to discussions and asking relevant questions to further your own learning.
Thursday 7th January
Excellent work today Ash class, your stories are progressing so well and I am very impressed with some of the descriptive language that is being used.
Both the English and maths pages below have been updated with what we talked about today and links to some of the videos we discussed.
Wednesday 6th January 2021
A huge, huge well done to all of you - you are all stars! (metaphor )
It has been amazing seeing so many of you in the live lessons and engaging so well with your learning. I am so looking forward to reading the fantastic stories that you are writing. Keep up the excellent work.
Sunday 3rd January
The Ash team have been working hard over the last few days to organise this week's home learning - this will be different from the last lock down as we are giving a combination of daily live lessons as well as recorded ones.
Each day there will be a live maths and English lesson in the morning (no live maths on Monday 4th) and a recorded science, geography or RE lesson in the afternoon. We have tried to minimise the amount of printing needed but there are some maths resources that the children will need to have access to (this can be on a screen). On the tabs below you will find links to the relevant lessons and any resources that the children will need to see. Please encourage your child to be ready for learning by having everything they will need to hand (paper, pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, drink).
A detailed plan for the week ahead has been emailed to you. This has a suggested timetable for learning as well as all the links you will need for this week including the login details for the zoom lessons (these are not on the web page).
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us and we will get back to you ASAP.
Saturday 2nd January 2021
Happy New Year to you all - we hope you and your families all had a good Christmas break and have stayed safe and well.
This is not the start to term 3 that we would have wished for but we are currently working hard to organise some structured daily maths and English lessons for all of Ash class to participate in as well as some other subjects throughout the week. Please keep an eye on this class page as all the details will be on here.
Please make sure that I have an up-to-date email address for you. Parents - if you have not had reason to email me so far this year, please email me now so that I know how to contact you. The Ash team email is:
From Mrs Lofting, Mrs Babadi and myself - we would like to say a huge thank you to all those who contributed to our very generous Christmas gifts - we are looking forward to being able to go to Bluewater and spend them!
Thank you!
Friday 11th December
Learner of the Week
Huge congratulations to our Learner of the Week for great great focus and effort all lessons.
Home Learning
Take a look at some more of the excellent home learning that is being done by Ash class.
Friday 4th December
Learner of the Week
Huge congratulations to our Learner of the Week for great participation in all lessons and for some excellent descriptive writing and maths.
Friday 27th November
Learner of the Week
Huge congratulations to our Learner of the Week for all round excellent effort and achievement throughout assessment week.
Well done to our firework competition winner!
Friday 20th November
Learner of the Week
Huge congratulations to our Learner of the Week for excellent effort with handwriting, giving clear answers in guided reading and working hard in maths.
Classroom Displays
Despite not being allowed to have visitors into Ash class or even into
school, the children are still creating some excellent work for displays
around the building.
Home Learning
Take a look at some of the excellent home learning that has been handed
in over the last couple of weeks. Well done to everyone for demonstrating
some excellent research and drawing skills.
Friday 13th November
Learner of the Week
Huge congratulations to our Learner of the Week for excellent progress in maths, reading and participation in assembly.
Friday 6th November
Learner of the Week
Huge congratulations to our Learner of the Week for 100% effort and enthusiasm in everything she does.
Wednesday 3rd November
We have had a great start to term 2 in Ash class, everyone has returned to school refreshed and we are working hard already! Please find the Curriculum Newsletter for Ash below which gives details of what we will be learning this term.
The spellings for this week should have come home already - the children get two weeks to practice each set of spellings. (The first week they practice in school, the second week they practice at home). They are then tested at the end of the second week. There are two spelling groups - your child will know which group they are in and which spelling list they should be learning. (You can find the spelling lists below).
Home Learning
Additional home learning activities will begin this term (see document below) - these activities are all linked to our history topic of the Vikings. These activities can be done in any order but please complete the Anglo-Saxon and Viking art task in week 1 or 2 as this will help with an art project that we will be doing during week 4 of this term. Please choose one task each week and bring it in to school by Wednesday.
Monday 2nd November
The holiday just seemed to fly by but I hope you have all had a good half term and are rested and ready for another term of learning. Let's hope the weather is kind to us so that we can get outside at break times as well a for P.E.
P.E. this term is on a Tuesday so please wear appropriate P.E. kits for the weather to school every Tuesday.
We ended last term with the children rehearsing and acting out the poem that is at the start of our new class reading book for next term - Viking Boy by Tony Bradman. Please feel free to buy this book for your child to bring in and follow along with in school but please do not read on any further.
The award for the Best Performance of the poem went to the group below who were awarded with the highly coveted OSWALD trophy!
Friday 23rd October
Learner of the Term
Congratulations to our Learner of the Term for term 1 for such a fantastic start to their learning in year 6 - well done!
Friday 16th October
Learner of the Week
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for excellent focus and work in maths and writing this week.
Friday 9th October
Learner of the Week
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for excellent work in guided reading and writing this week.
Friday 2nd October
Learner of the Week
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for such great participation, great focus and great effort over the last few weeks.
Friday 25th September
Learner of the Week
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for such great effort in all her learning this week.
Friday 18th September
Learner of the Week
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for such great effort in all her learning this week.
Friday 11th September
Learner of the Week
Congratulations to our Learner of the Week for such a positive first full week back - keep up the great work Max!
Welcome Back!
We have had a great start to life in Ash class, it has been lovely to see everyone and we are looking forward to a great year full of learning.
Please find the curriculum newsletter for term 1 below - there is lots of important information on it and some details of what we will be
learning about this term.
You will also find the spelling word lists below for the year 3 & 4 words and the year 5 & 6 words as well. We will be spending some time refreshing the children's memories of these key words over the course of this term.
Please remember to use the Ash email (ashteacher@west-malling.kent.sch.uk) if you have any questions to ask or information to give us - we will reply as promptly as possible.