Term 6
Term 5
Home Learning
Term 4
Term 3
Term 2
Term 1
Friday 15th September
We have been so proud of how well the children have settled into year 2. They have all worked so hard this week in all the different subjects we have been learning. We are looking forward to a wonderful year together!
Please take a look at our curriculum map for the Autumn Term below. It has lots of important information about our learning for the next two terms. Please remember not tell your child the title of the book as this will spoil the surprise for them, especially with our term 2 book.
Today, the children will be coming home with their Home Learning books. This will have some ideas for you to work through at home this term linked to our learning in school. This can be kept at home but brought back into school on Monday 16th October so we can share each other’s work. Please find a copy of the Home Learning below.
There will also be some reading books coming home today. Please keep these at home to read until next Thursday when they will be changed. It may be helpful if children could bring a book bag or small rucksack with them on a Friday so that the reading books can be easily transported between home and school.
PE will be on Monday and Friday and children need to come to school in their PE kits. As we move towards Autumn it will be important for children to wear black jogging bottoms/leggings and their school jumper/zoodie to stay warm. Trainers will also be more practical and comfortable to wear all day. Velcro trainers will be appreciated please. Earrings need to be taken out or covered at home.
Please ensure that any clothing and belongings brought into school are clearly labelled including water bottles, lunch boxes, book bags, PE kits, school uniform and coats.
Please ensure your child brings a filled water bottle into school every day which only contains water so they can stay hydrated.
Please remember to use the cherry email cherryteacher@west-malling.kent.sch.uk if you have any questions or for any information you need to give to us.
Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend.