
West Malling CE Primary School

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West Malling CE Primary School

– and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

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West Malling CE Primary School and the McGinty Speech & Language SRP is fully committed to safeguarding and the promotion of the welfare of all children in our care. Working together with a variety of agencies, we ensure the appropriate arrangements are in place to assess, identify needs and support our children and families.

In addition, our designated safeguarding governors are Mrs Ann Lee and Mrs Emily Reeves.


Our most recent Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be found in the 'Policy' section of our website and has been updated in line with the changes to KCSIE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) 2023.


During school hours, in term time, should you have any concerns about the health, well-being or safety of any child attending the school, please do not hesitate to contact any of the aforementioned staff on 01732 842 061 or via email (, marked ‘DSL Confidential’. If you have an urgent concern outside of school hours/term time please contact the Kent Integrated Children's Services via the portal or contact them on 03000 411111.


Free Online Safety Webinar for Parents
Eastern Region Counter Terrorism Policing are providing free online webinars for parents and carers of children in Year 5 (age 9) and above, to help them understand more about cybercrime, cyber security and online safety.


Part 1 features an input from their own Online Safety Development Officer on general online safety risks and how parents/carers can keep their children safer online. The Eastern Region Cyber Choices Team will also introduce the Cyber Choices programme, with an overview of what cybercrime is, what the risks to young people are, how the Cyber Choices supports individuals and how to refer a young person into the programme.


Part 2 will be delivered by the Eastern Region Cyber Protect Team, providing advice, tools and techniques to improve the cyber security of families at home.


Online Safety

Following the periods of National Lockdown and where remote learning may be taking place, children are more likely to access online resources and websites. It is essential that children are kept safe, understand how to behave online and know what to do if they find themselves in a situation that makes them feel uncomfortable.

The following links will take you to websites designed to give guidance to help parents to keep children safe online at home.


  • CEOP is the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
    CEOP help children stay safe online. If someone has acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know, you should report it via





The DSL and DDSLs can also provide support, advice and/or signposting in relation to any online safety concerns including any allegations of cyber-bullying.


Thank you for the part you play in keeping our children safe at West Malling CE Primary School.
