R(S)HE Curriculum Rationale
Our R(S)HE curriculum, delivered using the Jigsaw Programme, intends to provide a high quality R(S)HE education which is accessible to all and ensures that each of our pupils will develop the substantive and disciplinary knowledge and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work.
The aim is to ensure our pupils understand more about how to play a positive and successful role within our society, both as a child and as an adult within the future. Relevant learning experiences encourage children to understand their world and build positive relationships. There is a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.
This holistic R(S)HE learning journey spans the pupil’s school career, with a progressive, spiral curriculum that addresses real needs in a rapidly-changing world. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.
Children in the McGinty Speech and Language Centre access this curriculum with their mainstream year groups in order to cover topics in an age-appropriate manner. Our curriculum is ambitious for all and strives to address inclusion and disadvantage in its intent and implementation.
The Jigsaw Structure – Puzzles and Pieces
Jigsaw consists of six units of work (Puzzles), each containing six lessons (Pieces). These cover the whole academic year. Jigsaw R(S)HE is fully compliant with the DfE Statutory Relationships & Health Education Guidance.
Every lesson (Piece) has two Learning Intentions, one specific to R(S)HE and the other designed to develop emotional literacy and social skills. Each year group studies the same unit at the same time (at their own level – see year group curriculum maps), building sequentially through the school year, facilitating whole-school learning themes.
The various teaching and learning activities are engaging and mindful of different learning styles and the need for differentiation and the Early Years (EYFS) planning is aligned to the National Early Years Framework (England).
Jigsaw’s Puzzles – Substantive Knowledge
Substantive knowledge is taught through each puzzle:
Puzzle Title | Substantive Knowledge |
Being Me in My World | Includes understanding my place in the class, school and global community as well as devising Learning Charters. |
Celebrating Difference | Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and diversity work. |
Dreams and Goals | Includes goal-setting, aspirations for yourself and the world and working together. |
Healthy Me | Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices. |
Relationships | Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills. |
Changing Me | This puzzle includes sex and relationships education in the context of coping positively with change (includes age-appropriate sex education). |
Mindfulness – Disciplinary Knowledge
Disciplinary Knowledge is developed using a mindful approach to teaching and learning, underpinned by 6 key elements in each piece (lesson):
Element | Disciplinary Knowledge |
Connect Us | Developing the ability to take enjoyment from their learning, to be inclusive learners and to build and maximise social skills. Children are encouraged to build positive relationships and take part in collaborative learning. |
Calm Me | Children gain awareness of the activity in their minds, relaxing them and quietening their thoughts and emotions to a place of optimum learning capacity. |
Open my Mind | Developing the ability to filter the many stimuli entering the child’s mind at any given time. The aim here is to improve concentration and learning by filtering out activity around them. |
Tell me or Show me | Children are encouraged to introduce new information, concepts and skills, using a range of approaches and activities. |
Let me Learn | Developing children’s ability to manipulate, use and play with new information in order for it to make sense to them and for them to ‘accommodate’ it into their existing learning. |
Help me Reflect | Children are encouraged to reflect on their learning experiences and their progress. By reflecting, children can process and evaluate what they have learnt, which enables them to consolidate and apply their learning. |