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West Malling CE Primary School

– and The McGinty Speech and Language Centre

"Let your light shine”, Matthew 5. 16

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Year 2 - Cherry Class

On the afternoon of Monday 5th July, Cherry Class will be going on a local walk around West Malling to support our learning in history. 

Sports day!


A huge well done to everyone in Cherry Class!

We had a fantastic day!

Term 6- Welcome back to the final term of Year 2!


Now that it is getting warmer, please remember a sun hat/sun cream so that we can use the outside space to learn and play as much as possible. 


PE will now be on Wednesdays.


Reading books on Fridays. 

Today we have made our own Stop Motion animations. First, we created the background and characters and then using our Computing skills we made our own fins based on our Power of Reading book, The Secret Sky Garden. 

Aleesha, Scarlett & Leah

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Ben, Boaz & Leo

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Megan & Elodie

Still image for this video

This term in DT we have designed, made and evaluated our own puppets. 
First, we learnt how to weave paper and then we learnt the basics of sowing. 
Take a look at out work!

Please continue to read every night at home. Don't forget to bring in your reading book on Friday to change. 

Our learner of the week is... Boaz! 

For his amazing writing progress. You have written a fantastic set of instructions, ensure you used time words, bossy verbs and adverbs. You have taken great care with your presentation and handwriting this week too. Well done!

Welcome Back!

PE will continue to be on Mondays, PE will continue to be on Mondays

If you have not already done so, please do let me know when you would like to book a parents evening appointment.  

Please do continue to contact us with any questions or queries by emailing:

Please see below some of the spelling rules we will be learning this term. 

Each bubble contains words from a different spelling rule. It is helpful for children to practise reading and writing these words often. 

If you are having trouble with BugClub on your iPad or iPhone; you may like to try ensuring 'Block all cookies' is off. It may also help to turn off 'Prevent Cross-Site Tracking' too.

Our learner of the week is... Tommy! 

You have had such an amazing attitude to learning this week. Each day you have come in with a smile and ready to learn. you have amazing us with your effort when writing this week. Well done!

Our learner of the week is... Pippa! 

You have amazed us this week with your hard work this week. You have worked especially hard in English lessons, completing 2 amazing posters. You have been passionate about our English book, talking about how we can look after our world. Well done!

Our learner of the week is... Scarlett! 

For her amazing remote learning. You have persevered through the challenge of working at home with a smile. You have contributed well on zoom and completed your work to a high standard.

We are all so proud and impressed with you.

Mathlete of the week: Megan

Bug of the week: Scarlett 

Rock Star of the week: Leah

Look up!

We have loved our new Power of Reading book Look up.
We have been thinking deeply about the main character, researching about space and writing flyers for the Phoenix Meteor Shower.
Ask us about what new things we now know about space!

This week we have been learning what a Press conference is and how best to ask and answer questions. We have dramatised a press conference from out story, please see some snippets below.


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Still image for this video


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Still image for this video


Cherry class, you have amazed me with how well to have settled straight back into both school life and your learning. What a great week we have had. 


Monday- PE, remember to wear your PE kit school.

Friday- Change reading books.

Please bring in any school books you have at home, out stocks are a looking a little low!

Take a look at the wonderful video our fabulous Head Boy Kian and Head Girl Elsie have made!

I can’t wait to see you all on Monday.

PE is now on Monday so PE kits on Mondays for the rest of term, including the first day back please. laugh
You only need to bring you water bottle and a coat on Monday.
School fruit and lunches will resume and we will continue to change reading books on a Friday. 

Remember you can still always contact us at:

Our learner of the week is... Tommy!

For his hard work in English

We are all so proud and impressed with you.

Mathlete of the week: Charlie

Bug of the week: Lily

Rock Star of the week: Brooke

Click to find your daily English and Maths learning and weekly Science, Geography and RE learning. 

The learner of the week is... Scarlett! 

For her hard work and dedication to her school you. 

You have completed all of your work each day including all extra and extension activities. We are all so proud and impressed with you.


Mathlete of the week: Lily

Bug of the week: Aleesha 

Rock Star of the week: Brooke

The learner of the term is... Leah!

Leah lives out our school values everyday; whether she is learning at school or at home. During this difficult term, Leah has continued to let her light shine brightly.

Leah has such a positive attitude to learning and has completed all of her English and maths work to the very best of her ability. She makes sure she challenges herself and this term has worked exceptionally hard with her spelling and mental arithmetic. Leah has thrown herself into all subjects and has completed a wide range of science and geography activities.

It has been a joy to see Leah on our Zoom lesson; where she often shares her learning with confidence.


Mathlete of the week: Mason

Bug of the week: Aleesha

Rock Star of the week: Lily

The learner of the week is... Leo and Mason! 

They have both worked so hard in English this week.

They made sure their work was neat and interesting to read using time word, bossy verbs and adverbs. I am also blown away with the amount they have writing too!


Mathlete of the week: Lily

Bug of the week (ladybird): Scarlett 

Rock Star of the week: Brooke

The learner of the week is... Ben!

For his perseverance to complete all his set work. 

You have worked so hard in all your home learning and we have loved to see all of the additional work you have decided to do too. You know that mistakes are a part of learning and are becoming such a resilient learner. 

The learner of the week is... Elodie!

For her resilient and positive attitude this week!

You have worked hard in all you do and been enthusiastic about our learning.

18.1.21 Please see email sent to parents. 

Dear Parents, 

As we begin another week of home learning; I wanted to reassure you that I am still very much your child’s teacher and still here to support their learning in any way I can.


I also wanted to reiterate the importance of taking part in daily learning. It must remain a priority to complete 20 minutes reading everyday along with the English lesson. Daily handwriting and spelling will also hugely support your child to maintain the writing progress they are making. If your child is completing the daily lessons quickly and with ease, please do continue to stretch them by using the Maths extensions I have been adding to the class page. Please continue to send in their work, either every day or in chunks so I can feed back to them and see how they are getting on.


Our Zoom lessons will continue every day at 11 am. I hope these are useful to motivate the children and offer some socialisation through this difficult time.


One last note, please remember to be kind to yourselves when you are home schooling. Your best is all we ask; if you are struggling with any aspect of home learning please do let me know and we can try and work out the best solution. If you are struggling with an internet connection, devices or the ability to print the maths sheets please do let me know.


I hope you have a good week.

Very best wishes, 

Miss Hallett

The learner of the week is... Boaz! 

For the effort he has put into his learning this week!

You have focused on joining your handwriting neatly and shown us what an amazing mathematician you are too!

Please see below an email sent on 10.1.21

Dear Parents,

I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend and the thought of another week of home schooling isn’t too daunting. Here is a brief outline of the plan this week:

  • Reading

Please continue to prioritise at least 20 minutes of reading every day.

  • Handwriting

I have added a daily handwriting practise; children are used to this layout at school and I hope they surprise you with the quality of handwriting they can do when that is the only aspect of writing to focus on.

  • Writing

We will continue with Jack and the Beanstalk; but lessons will now come from the Oak National Academy. I have chosen to do this as spelling and grammar work is incorporated and the children will receive more direct teaching. I know (all too well!) how difficult it can be to motivate a 5/6-year-old to write. At school we always complete our English work first and help children to get started by completing a little handwriting and spelling work. It is easy for children to be proud of this work which will help boost their confidence for the more technical writing skills that follow.

  • Maths

Very similar to last week with a video and sheet with questions to answer each day. You do not need to print as you can write the answers onto paper. I am going to upload all sheets so if you wish to print you can do in one go.

  • Science, Geography and RE

Again, very similar to last week. I have added all lessons today so you can complete through the week on any day that suits you. Please continue to prioritise Maths and English work.


I am going to organise the website in a different way with the hope of it being easier to navigate and allow me to add further extensions for children who need them. I have added a suggested timetable too. We will now have daily Zoom meetings at 11am. They will all be 30 minutes long and include some teaching. However, I understand that a lot of you have multiple siblings, jobs and other pressures to juggle so please only attend these meetings if they help you and your child. They are there to support you; not add an extra burden.


Please do continue to send in work (daily or in chunks) and let me know how your child is getting on. I can always offer extra support, activities and teaching guidance.  You feedback is invaluable; I don’t have any little people here working on these lessons so please let me know what is working well and what can be improved.  Please remember I am always at the end of an email if you are struggling. I am very happy to support in any way I can; but can only help if I know there is a problem. No question is too small or silly.


Have a wonderful week; I hope you enjoy the lessons too!

Very best wishes, 

Miss Hallett

The learner of the week is... Sienna! 

For her wonderful writing this week!

You have focused on joining your handwriting neatly and making sure your sentences are punctuated correctly. 

Don't forget about our Class Zoom tomorrow at 11. Please use the same details as before. Of course, email me if you need a reminder. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow . laugh

Here is a small selection of the wonderful home learning I have received so far this week. I am so proud of how well you have settled into home schooling and the perseverance you have all shown to get the work done!

Following our zoom and short science lesson I can added a power point and template to create your own zoo. You do not need to print it, just use it to sort your animals into the 5 groups. 

Welcome back!

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Good morning Cherry Class and Happy New Year!

I am so sad to not be seeing you all today and am missing you already.


I am excited to let you know that the whole class will have the opportunity to get together over ZOOM for a catch up and a quick lesson on Tuesday and Friday this week at 11am. I will send the link and meeting details by the end of today.


Whist we are not in school I will be setting work each day for you to have a go at. Please find today's learning below.

If you have any issues, please do let me know as I am very happy to help in any way  I can. Please stay in close contact and email your learning each day to

I would also love to hear about any holiday news or show and tell you have to share. So please send me an email today and let me know if you would like your news shared with your friends on the class web page.

A huge well done to our learner of the term.

For living out our school values of love, compassion and perseverance.

You have worked so hard this term both on your writing and maths, but more importantly have been a great friend to all. 

PE WILL NOW BE ON MONDAYS! Mrs Barrett, our PE specialist, will also be working with us. So please try to remember your PE kit on the first day back. 

Please remember that earrings MUST be covered or preferably taken out on these days.

A Bundle of Joy

I am excited to present our Key Stage 1 Nativity; A Bundle of Joy from 'Out of the Arc Music'.


We have published the video privately through the school’s YouTube account.


We hope you enjoy our show!

Hello everyone, 


I am very pleased to say that preparations for the Key Stage 1 Christmas nativity have begun this week. It will be performed and recorded in school, then shared as a film in the last week of term.

This week, every member of Cherry Class will be given their lines to take home and learn with rehearsals starting later in the week. We will also be creating our set and building props for the production.

When it comes to costumes, the vast majority will be provided within school, but I may be in touch with some of you if we require any items to supplement specific outfits.


Looking forward to sharing more of our progress with you in the next couple of weeks!

The learner of the week is...

For his fantastic work in maths this week.

He has been able to work out change and solve 2 step word problems! Keep up the great work.


We have been using our number bonds to 10 to work out number bonds to 100. We than put them into part, part, whole models and bar models. 
Well done to our winners of the PTA Bonfire colouring competition!

This week we have begun our new topic in maths, Money!

Below is a great game to reinforce what we have learnt in school this week.
Money is an important topic to practise at home. Use real money to practise recognising different coins and notes; and creating different amounts. Next week we will be learning how to work out change. It would be great if you could practise this at home too.

We have enjoyed playing ‘Obb and Bob’, a fun reading game. It helps us to remember all of our phonetic sounds. (See image below if you need a reminder!)
This term, we have spent a lot of time reading and writing words containing each of these graphemes. Please support your child by checking they can read all of these sounds and refer back to them when writing. (The rhymes will ensure correct pronunciation and aid memory). This will hugely support their spelling when writing. 

The learner of the week is...


For his concentration and focus this week. You have been listening carefully and participated in our lessons well this week!

The Book Trust’s recommended books for 6-8 year olds. Some slightly longer more challenging books. Many are available to order online from the library, which is free for children.

The Wicked Witch’s Song

Today we made magical, foaming potions!

We learnt a poem called The Wicked Witch’s Song By Clare Bevan and then wrote our own poems in the same style. 

Wicked Witch’s Song

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The Wicked Witch’s Song

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The learner of the week is...

For putting 100% effort into everything he has done this week. You have worked so hard and achieved so much! Keep up the fantastic work!

As part of our DT learning, today we made cars with working wheels and axels. It was very fiddly so we all had to persevere. We were all successful and had lots of fun too!
We have LOVED making and writing our own diaries in the role of Rapunzel. (Not the Rapunzel you may know from the traditional tale... our book has a twist!)

Well done to our learner of the week!

You have impressed us so much with your valuable contributions and hard work this week!

Welcome to term 2!

Please see below this terms newsletter and home work.

Remember you can email us on



Thank you Cherry Class for such a great first term! You have all worked so hard and should be feeling very proud of yourselves! Have a wonderful week and I’ll look forward to seeing you ready for Term 2. 

The learner of the term is.....

We are so proud of you! You have worked so hard and have achieved so much! 

Today we have been learning about maps, routes and compasses! Ask us about the 4 compass points and why we have to create routes!

The learner of the week is...

for her perseverance and determination with her learning this week. She has worked incredibly hard with her reading and writing! Well done!

Don’t forget that homework books are due on Monday. 
Remember to read everyday! We have talked a lot in school about how practising is the best way to improve. Please try to use BugClub so I can see how you are getting on. The Bug questions help with comprehension skills we are learning in school such has making predictions and inferences. It also exposes your child to range of genres and themes, as well as different language features. Please let me know if you are finding the reading books too easy or difficult.

The learner of the week is....


For her fabulous writing this week and being an all round superstar!

Today you child will bring home some phonics sheets for you to keep. They may be helpful to read alongside reading books. Remembering these alternative ways of spelling a sound will help them to improve both their reading and spelling. You may also like to refer to them when writing at home. 

Please see below all the sounds your child needs to know with an accompanying rhyme to aid memory.

We have had lots of fun playing on Karate cats today; practising important reading and writing skills. Free to play from home too; without the need for login details.

For showing all of our school values and being an all round superstar, our learner of the week is...

This term we have loved spending time on the forest school! In science we have been learning how animals are suited to their habitats. We have also been thinking about how to protect and look after our local wildlife.
Try these reading games!

For his fabulous progress in reading; the learner of the week is.....

In maths this week we have been counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s both forwards and backwards. Don’t forget to keep practising! It is important to help us learn our times tables. 

The Counting by Fives Song | Counting Songs | Scratch Garden

Well done to our learner of the week! For his fantastic work in maths and always trying his best!

We have been using this song to help us learn about the 7 continents of the world.

Take a look at our whole class piece of art!

*Dont forget to wear PE kits to school every Wednesday*

This term our Topic is 'Our World'.

In English this week we have listened to Louis Armstrong's 'What a wonderful world' and then wrote our own verses in this style. 

Listen to some of our wonderful work!

What a wonderful world

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David Attenborough - Wonderful World - BBC

The learner of the week is...

For making a great start to the school year. She is always ready to learn and tries her best. Sophie has written a brilliant ‘Guide to Earth’ this week and has been a great friend to everyone in Cherry Class.

We have had a great start to the year and it has been lovely to see everyone and we are looking forward to a great ahead. 
Please see below this terms homework. 

Welcome Back! We can’t wait to see you all again and are excited to be back in school together.

We are really looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!


Please remember to use the Cherry email if you have any questions to ask or information to give us - we will reply as promptly as possible.

We will be sending reading books home on Fridays; however, I will also continue to monitor reading on BugClub too. On a Friday your child will choose 2/3 books to take home for the week; these will then need to be returned the following Friday. Please be assured that reading books will ‘quarantined’ before they are use the home. 

Home learning will be set next week and is to be completed through the term. It is due on Monday 19th October. Each day children are expected to do a short reading and maths activity at home. It is vital to practise these keys skills every day to help your child to make good progress. This may include Mathletics, BugClub, practising the year 2 spellings or 30/60 Club practise (addition and subtraction/times tables). Further ideas can be found on our class page on the school website.


PE will be on Wednesdays and children need to come to school in their PE kits. As we move towards Autumn it will be important for children to wear dark tracksuit trousers and their school jumper to stay warm. Trainers will also be more practical and comfortable to wear all day. Earrings need to be taken out or covered at home.  Please ensure that any clothing and belongings brought into school are clearly labelled including water bottles, lunch boxes, book bags, all items in their PE kit, school uniform and coats. Please ensure your child brings a filled water bottle into school every day.


Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a great year ahead. Don’t forget to check our class page on the school website.                                         

Miss Hallett & Mrs Smart
